Christchurch City Holdings Ltd
A public authority
6 requests
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- unresolved requests
Power poles replaced in Christchurch by Orion Group
Request sent to Christchurch City Holdings Ltd by Nick on .
Awaiting response.
Could you please provide the following information:
The number of power poles replaced on each street in Christchurch by Orion Group in the last 1...
Tarras Airport - what's actually been decided?
Response by Christchurch City Holdings Ltd to Suze Keith on .
Awaiting classification.
Hi Suze, thank you for your ongoing interest in CIAL’s activities in Central Otago.
As previously advised, CIAL are taking time to reflect on a range...
Tarras Airport - what's actually been decided? Second request
Follow up sent to Christchurch City Holdings Ltd by Suze Keith on .
Long overdue.
Tēnā koutou Christchurch City Holdings,
Under the Local Government Official Information Management Act you were, by law, expected to respond to my qu...
Tarras land purchases by CIAL
Response by Christchurch City Holdings Ltd to rob van der mark on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Cherry,
We are in receipt of your request (attached) and as per below. As per
CCHL’s email to you on 23 August 2023 we were unable to...
Board papers and minutes relating to Tarras Airport
Response by Christchurch City Holdings Ltd to Laurie Stephenson on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora Laurie
This email confirms receipt of your information request dated 1 August 2023. CCHL will reply to your request within the required timefr...
Changes to CCHL governance framework
Response by Christchurch City Holdings Ltd to rob van der mark on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora
Thank you for emails dated 14 and 15 September 2022 containing requests to
Christchurch City Holdings limited (CCHL) under the Official...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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