Arts Council of New Zealand Toi Aotearoa

A public authority, also called Creative NZ

Also known as Creative New Zealand.

49 requests
Janita Pillisi overseas delegation
Response by Arts Council of New Zealand Toi Aotearoa to Hugh J Coon on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Thank you for taking the time to get in touch with Creative New Zealand. We have received your email and will respond to you as soon as po...
Tēnā koe Dr Samant, Please find a response to your request attached. Nāku, nā Creative New Zealand | Toi Aotearoa Level 2, 2-12 Allen Street, Te Aro...
Tēnā koe Jonothan, Thank you for your email. We do not have a transcript of the meeting and are therefore refusing your request under section 18(g)(...
I'd like to read the minutes of the discussion which resulted in the decision to deny funding to a Shakespeare schools event on the grounds of his c...
Business Plan 22-23 (CNZ)
Response by Arts Council of New Zealand Toi Aotearoa to Nic Lane on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora Nic, The Creative New Zealand Business Plan for the next financial year is not yet available. Our Statement of Performance Expectations 202...
Kia ora Nic, This email acknowledges receipt of your request for conflict-of-interest information related to Cath Cardiff. The Official Information...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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