Canterbury Regional Council
A public authority, also called ECAN
Also known as Environment Canterbury.
82 requests
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Planning and Feedback of Changes to the Christchurch Bus Service
Response by Canterbury Regional Council to Gavin Millar on .
Good afternoon Mr Millar
As per earlier emails, attached is the final document requested by you
under the Local Government Official Information...
Please find attached the response to your Official Information request
dated 25 May 2012.
Kind regards
Kerryn Tangney
Personal Assistant...
Locations of injection wells
Response by Canterbury Regional Council to Paul McMahon on .
Mr McMahon
I attach the reply to your official Information request dated 10 August
Regards Sharon
Locations of injection wells
Follow up sent to Canterbury Regional Council by Paul McMahon on .
Thank you very much, that is perfectly understandable :)
Yours sincerely,
Paul McMahon
Hello Alex,
Please find attached a reply from Kim Drummond, Director Resource
Management at Environment Canterbury in relation to your request f...
Does the Canterbury Regional Council open its meetings with a prayer?
Response by Canterbury Regional Council to Alex Harris on .
Dear Alex,
Attached is the reply to your email of 18 April 2012.
kind regards
Louise McDonald
Senior Administration Officer
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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