Education Review Office
A public authority, also called ERO
15 requests
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- successful requests
- unsuccessful requests
- unresolved requests
Request for Clarification on Data Usage and Privacy in Report "Left Behind: How do we get our chronically absent students back to school?"
Response by Education Review Office to Nina Noval on .
Kia ora
Please find attached a response to the OIA request from Nina Noval.
Kind regards
Kirsty Anderson
Employment equity for Maori women in public sector
Response by Education Review Office to Tania Te Whenua on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora, Tania.
Please find attached a letter in response to your Official Information Act request of 20 April 2020.
Ngā mihi
David Lafferty
Review of Wellbeing@School Surveys
Response by Education Review Office to [User 4230 name redacted] on .
Partially successful.
To whom it may concern,
Please find ERO’s follow-up response attached.
Many thanks,
Tom Robinson
Administration Support Officer
Copy of Parent Complaint Handling Policy
Response by Education Review Office to [User 4230 name redacted] on .
Please find attached ERO’s response to your Official Information Act
request dated 22 May 2018.
Kind regards,
Tom Robinson
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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