Massey University

A public authority

94 requests

(page 3)

Veterinarian retention, mental illness, suicide, oversupply
Response by Massey University to James Wilson on .
Partially successful.
Dear Dr Wilson,   Please find attached to this email a response to your information request.   Kind regards,   Jodie Banner  |  Director Ri...
Assessments in Te Reo Maori
Response by Massey University to Liam on .
Dear Mr Stoneley,   Please find attached to this email a response to your information request.   Kind regards,     Jodie Banner  |  Direc...
Information relating to the Universities canning policy
Response by Massey University to Mr Mercer on .
Partially successful.
Dear Andrew   Please find attached to this email Massey University’s response to your information request.   Kind regards,   Jodie Banner ...
Funding for public transport concessions
Response by Massey University to Daniel Farrell on .
Partially successful.
Dear Daniel   Further to my emails dated 27^th May 2015, and 3^rd June 2015, I am responding formally on behalf of the University to your email da...
For attention of Dave Lane   I am responding on behalf of Massey University to your request dated 28^th November 2014 for information under the Of...

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