Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

A ministry, also called MFAT

354 requests

(page 15)

[UNCLASSIFIED] Dear Reuven Thank you for your email. The reason some portions of the David Wright report have been withheld, or excluded, from the v...
[UNCLASSIFIED] Dear Mike Gendall   On 3 September 2012 you sought information, under the Official Information Act, on how many requests to the M...
[UNCLASSIFIED] Dear Alex,   Please find attached the response to you Official Information request of 16 July 2012. The response is provided by e...
Resolution 2758 - PRC Admission to UN
Response by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to Joshua Grainger on .
Information not held.
[UNCLASSIFIED] Hello Joshua I have been asked to send you this reply to your request for information. Shirley Inwood |DMSO - NAD and SEA Divisions|...

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