(page 15)
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The [post-Nov 10] 2011 Report on the viability of major energy projects in Samoa; it was carried out by David Wright, Management consultant, on behalf of the National Energy Coordination Committee.
Response by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to Reuven Schwencke on .
Partially successful.
Dear Reuven
Thank you for your email.
The reason some portions of the David Wright report have been withheld, or excluded, from the v...
Complaints about information requests
Response by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to Mike Gendall on .
Dear Mike Gendall
On 3 September 2012 you sought information, under the Official Information
Act, on how many requests to the M...
Chemical Weapons Convention Declarations
Response by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to Alex Harris on .
Dear Alex,
Please find attached the response to you Official Information request of
16 July 2012. The response is provided by e...
Resolution 2758 - PRC Admission to UN
Response by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to Joshua Grainger on .
Information not held.
Hello Joshua
I have been asked to send you this reply to your request for information.
Shirley Inwood |DMSO - NAD and SEA Divisions|...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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