Northland Regional Council
A public authority
21 requests
1 follower
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Communication with SIRRL
Response by Northland Regional Council to Valerie Morse on .
Awaiting response.
The requester
By email only to : <[1][FOI #30070 email]
Tēnā koe
Official information request: 4239692
Thank you for your official info...
Northern Wairoa River - Water Quality / Aluminium Levels
Follow up sent to Northland Regional Council by Chris McCashin on .
Awaiting classification.
If you aren’t checking the rainwater then you are refusing to do a proper check of the contamination sources.
Aluminium IS NOT a naturally occurri...
ECC/EOC Seismic Resilience
Long overdue.
Northland GECC 33%NBS & 22%NBS
Far North EOC
Kaipara EOC
Whangarei EOC
: Northland Toxin Awareness Group (NTAG) LTP Submission 2021-2031
Response by Northland Regional Council to Northland Toxin Awareness Group on .
Awaiting classification.
Good Morning
Thank you for submitting your request for information.
I can confirm being a Long Term Plan process, all submissions were
Meeting minutes regarding Sustainable Solvents
Response by Northland Regional Council to Mike Hunua on .
Long overdue.
Dear Mr Hunua
The Northland Regional Council holds a substantial amount of information
in relation to the Sustainable Solvents site at Ruakaka s...
Funding to a registered charitable trust that is supplying Kaeo township with water.
Response by Northland Regional Council to Gareth Megginson on .
Awaiting classification.
Good morning Gareth
Northland Regional Council have not paid Wai Care Environmental
The response from Far North District Coun...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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