Rangitikei District Council
A public authority
36 requests
- all requests
- successful requests
- unsuccessful requests
- unresolved requests
Information related to Private boundaries on Calico Line Marton
Response by Rangitikei District Council to Jeeves Ponzi on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Mr O'Gorman
we have received your Official Information request. As required under the provisions of the Local Government Official Information...
Kia ora
Please see attached our response to your official information request.
Kind regards,
Lisa Daniels | Executive Assistant...
please explain the reasoning of hiring peter beggs as Chief Executive
Response by Rangitikei District Council to patrick thomas on .
Good Morning Mr Thomas
Please find attached letter from Mayor Andy Watson in response to your
LGOIMA request dated 29 October 2022.
Ngā mihi...
Drug & alcohol pathology/testing at Rangitikei District Council
Response by Rangitikei District Council to Lynn Worthington on .
Good afternoon Lynn
Please see attached our response to your LGOIMA request.
Ngâ mihi
| Alyssa Takimoana | Executive Assista...
How is the Council using its rights under the Public Health Act to inspect rental housing properties?
Response by Rangitikei District Council to Aaron Packard on .
Good morning Aaron - the answers were there - at the end of each question, given you can't format anything in the format of email you originally sent y...
Former Elim Church Site, 305 Broadway Marton - Sold or Leased to adjoining land owner
Response by Rangitikei District Council to Robert Snijders on .
Here is our response to your official information request.
| Carol Gordon | Team Leader Customer Services and Communications |
| 46 High St...
IANZ Assessment Report dated 28 February 2019
Response by Rangitikei District Council to Robert Snijders on .
Partially successful.
Good afternoon Robert
In relation to the email you sent yesterday, here is our clarification
(and responses) of your requests relating to the IA...
Good morning
Here is our response to your official information request.
Q1 - The number of people employed in your public library service.
We have 1...
Costs for the development of the Cobbler/Davenport/Abraham & Williams Buildings in Marton for Council's adminitrative centre and town library
Response by Rangitikei District Council to Robert Snijders on .
Good morning Robert
Here is our response to your official information act request:
The following table sets out the indicative costs for th...
Path to Wellbeing Conference in Marton on the 10th of February 2017
Response by Rangitikei District Council to Robert Snijders on .
Good morning Robert
Here is our response to your official information request:
(exc GST) Budget Actual
Main venue $0...
Good morning Robert
Here is our response to your official information request:
It is Council policy that staff attending approved conferences continu...
ABCD Conference Goa
Follow up sent to Rangitikei District Council by Robert Snijders on .
Can you confirm if these staff members took leave, for example annual or unpaid, to attend the ABCD conference in Goa?
Yours sincerely,
Robert S...
Taihape Town Hall - Earthquake Stregthening Budget
Response by Rangitikei District Council to Robert Snijders on .
Partially successful.
Good morning Robert
In response to your request made under the Local Government Official Information Act I now provide the information you requested....
RDC Council Buildings in Marton - Earthquake Assessment
Response by Rangitikei District Council to Robert Snijders on .
Good morning Robert
In response to your Local Government Official Information Act request I now provide the information you requested.
Two assessmen...
Costs to Repair/Strengthen Marton Library as reported in 2014
Response by Rangitikei District Council to Robert Snijders on .
Good morning Robert
In response to your OIA request I provide you with the following answers:
1) The cost to repair/strengthen the Marton Library, an...
Payments made to The Catalyst Group
Response by Rangitikei District Council to Robert Snijders on .
Good afternoon Robert
In response to your Official Information Act request I can advise that Council's payments to the Catalyst Group for the year end...
Payments made to David Engwicht also known as Creative Communities International
Response by Rangitikei District Council to Robert Snijders on .
Good morning Robert
We previously provided you with information, on 16 February 2016, which outlined the amount paid to David Engwicht, also known as...
Remuneration and expenses paid to RDC Councillors and Mayor
Response by Rangitikei District Council to Robert Snijders on .
Partially successful.
Good morning Robert, my apologies I had overlooked sending you a response to this OIA.
Attached is the information we are able to provide from our fi...
Money paid to the Massey University and/or its students in developing the document "Placemaking in Bulls
Response by Rangitikei District Council to Robert Snijders on .
Good Afternoon Robert
Over the past couple of weeks Council has received a number of Official
Information Act requests from you. While we have p...
Fees for Concept Design Report for the Proposed Bulls Community Centre and Town Square
Response by Rangitikei District Council to Robert Snijders on .
Good afternoon Robert
In response to your Official Information Act request I advise the fee paid to Architecture Workshop, including disbursements, fo...
Fees paid to Maltbys for the cost estimate for Bulls Community Centre
Response by Rangitikei District Council to Robert Snijders on .
Good afternoon Robert
In response to your Official Information Act request I advise that the previous figure provided to you in relation to the cost f...
Payments made to Duddings Lake Limited
Response by Rangitikei District Council to Robert Snijders on .
Good afternoon Robert
In response to your Official Information Act request, below are total amounts paid to Duddings Lake Ltd for the financial years...
Expenses Paid to David Engwicht and/or Creative Communities International
Response by Rangitikei District Council to Robert Snijders on .
Good afternoon Robert
I can confirm that no council staff or councillor entertained David Engwicht during his stays. Therefore there are no expenses f...
Payments made to David Engwicht also know as Creative Communities International
Response by Rangitikei District Council to Robert Snijders on .
Good morning Robert
In response to your Official Information Act request I can advise that the total amount paid from January 2014 to February 2016 to...
1 I attach the list of postions requested.
2 There have been no briefings, reports, advice,
transcripts, not...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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