Tertiary Education Commission
A public authority, also called TEC
39 requests
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- unresolved requests
Background documents concerning appointments and re-appointments of Tertiary Education Institution council members
Response by Tertiary Education Commission to J. Whyte on .
Dear J Whyte
Please find attached a letter from Hon Paul Goldsmith in response to your
OIA request.
Kind regards
Rachel Frederikson...
Direct Funding Scheme - Pass rates and funding provided
Response by Tertiary Education Commission to Cody C on .
Dear Cody C, I have attached a copy of the Tertiary Education Commission’s
response to your Official Information Act request.
Recovery actions for funding provided under Workplace Literacy and Numeracy Fund
Response by Tertiary Education Commission to Andrew Lewis Law on .
Dear Mr Lewis
Please find attached the TEC's response to your request for information on the above.
Kind regards
Stephen Moore
Principal Advisor, Go...
Independent QA Review - Unitec
Response by Tertiary Education Commission to Vincent Reid on .
Dear Mr Reid, please find a copy of the Tertiary Education Commission's response to your Official Information Act request attached.
Hugh McIlraith
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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