Waikato District Council

A public authority

17 requests
Details of Extra rate increase 2023
Response by Waikato District Council to Ashwin Chauhan on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Ashwin,   I refer to your request for information which the Waikato District Council (Council) received on Sunday 11 June 2023 via fyi.org...
District Plan Review
Response by Waikato District Council to Leighton Fletcher on .
Long overdue.
Hi Leighton,   Thank you for that. We have run a report on all emails received over that time period and can confirm that yours was never received...
Raglan stormwater
Response by Waikato District Council to John Lawson on .
Long overdue.
Good Afternoon John,   Please be advised that your email has been received and will be distributed and investigated as necessary by our records te...

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