Play the request categorisation game!
Some people who've made requests haven't let us know whether they were successful or not. We need your help – choose one of these requests, read it, and let everyone know whether or not the information has been provided. Everyone'll be exceedingly grateful.
Protestor Classification: Parliament Demonstration, 8 February - 2 March 2022
To: New Zealand Police commissioner and New Zealand Minister of Police (Poto Williams and Andrew Coster)
Please advise whether or not protestors at p...
Awaiting classification.
Requested from New Zealand Police by Sarah Oliver on
Requested from New Zealand Police by Sarah Oliver on
Subdivision Consent Processing Statistics
I’m after statistics for the last 6 and 12 months (1 October 2019 - 29 February 2020 & 1 March 2019 – 29 February 2020)
Subdivision Consent applic...
Awaiting classification.
Requested from Central Hawke's Bay District Council by Toni Hill on
Requested from Central Hawke's Bay District Council by Toni Hill on
What is the total amount of funding per year given to Homecare Medical (National Telehealth Service) to provide the Māori Alcohol and Drug Helpline & the Pasifika Alcohol and Drug Helpline?
What is the total amount of funding per year given by the Ministry of Health to Homecare Medical (National Telehealth Service) to provide the Māori...
Awaiting classification.
Requested from Ministry of Health by S Brown on
Requested from Ministry of Health by S Brown on
Thanks for helping - your work will make it easier for everyone to find successful responses, and maybe even let us make league tables...