This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Nominations for Peer Assessors'.
Peer Assessor
Terms and 
November 2018
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1. Your role
(i.e. all information held by public organisations and entities 
subject to the Act) shall be made available unless there is 
Thank you for becoming a Creative New Zealand  
good reason to withhold it. 
peer assessor.
Your name will be on a register of external assessors which 
Peer assessment is critical to Creative New Zealand’s 
will be made available to the public upon request. Names of 
decision making process for funding. It provides input from 
all assessors selected to assess for a specific funding round 
individuals who have specialist knowledge of specific art 
will also be released to the public upon request.
forms and/or cultural contexts including international trends 
Your assessments are compiled solely for the purpose of 
and markets, or specialist knowledge of an area of arts 
determining recommendations for funding, however, your 
development/capability building. 
name and the scores and comments given by you about an 
These terms and conditions outline your responsibilities if 
application may have to be released following an Official 
you accept an invitation to assess for a funding round and 
Information Act request.
our obligations to you.
Good reasons for withholding are included in the Act and 
2. Our process of selection
referred to as part of the Creative New Zealand Official 
Information Act request process.  During the process 
Creative New Zealand is required to publicly invite 
of deciding whether or not to release some or all of the 
nominations from, or for, people who are interested in being 
information requested, including assessor names if relevant, 
appointed as assessors as per the Arts Council of New Zealand 
assessors will be consulted on whether there is good reason 
Toi Aotearoa Act 2014. Nominations are approved annually by 
for the information not to be released to the requester. 
the Arts Council and after being approved, assessors are listed 
Assessor feedback will be taken into account in the decision 
on the Creative New Zealand assessor register. 
to release or withhold the information but will not be 
determinative. Creative New Zealand’s Senior Manager 
Please note that being on the register does not guarantee 
Planning, Performance and Advocacy Services will make the 
that an individual will be invited to serve as an assessor. 
final decision.
Creative New Zealand staff review the assessment 
requirements of each funding round and, with the approval 
Creative New Zealand may also be required to release 
of Creative New Zealand management, invite appropriate 
information under the Privacy Act 1993 as an individual 
assessors to assess for that round.
applicant can request information about themselves.  It is 
3. Term of appointment
more likely, though, that an information request will be made 
under the Official Information Act as it has a broader reach.
Assessors remain on the register for up to five years. After 
5. Confidentiality
five years there is an eighteen month stand down period.  
During this time assessors will not be invited to assess for 
Applications for funding are confidential. All assessors 
any funding rounds to ensure new assessors can bring fresh 
have a duty to maintain the confidentiality of information 
perspective to our decisions.
contained within an application, even after your work with 
us has ended.
An assessor can request that their name be removed from 
the register at any time.
You must not disclose information gained in the course of 
4. Assessor privacy and the 
assessing applications to Creative New Zealand to any third 
party, or copy any material for private use or for use by anyone 
Official Information Act
else. You may not use any confidential information or any 
intellectual property rights contained within an application for 
Creative New Zealand will treat all information supplied 
any purpose other than assessing the application. 
by you as confidential, but may be required to release this 
information under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act). 
This clause does not preclude you from communicating 
The Act is based on the principle that all official information 
information that is already in the public domain.
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6. Your responsibilities
▪  communicate information to applicants or organisations 
about funding recommendations or the discussions of an 
The knowledge and expertise you bring to assessing funding 
assessment panel in that funding round
applications is what Creative New Zealand’s senior staff and 
▪  make any representations on behalf of Creative  
Arts Council use to inform their decision making. As such, an 
New Zealand or the Arts Council either relating to that 
assessor selected to assess for a funding round must:
funding round or in general
▪  participate in a pre-round briefing prior to assessing
▪  act as an advocate for an applicant/organisation that is 
▪  read and evaluate the material provided
being assessed in that funding round.
▪   adhere to the specific assessment criteria and scoring 
7. Conflict of Interest protocols
scale provided
▪  provide assessment commentary that supports your 
It is essential that Creative New Zealand is made aware of 
chosen score and supports applicants to develop their 
the existence of potential conflicts of interest and manages 
arts practice 
them consistently and transparently.
▪  provide fair and impartial assessments
Assessors must declare any real or potential conflicts of 
interest to Creative New Zealand staff immediately so that 
▪   submit assessments on time
we can determine the best way to manage the conflict. If 
▪   immediately inform Creative New Zealand of  
you are in any doubt about whether a conflict exists, discuss 
perceived or actual conflicts of interest that may arise 
it with Creative New Zealand.
(see section 7)
For every funding round, a conflict of interest register will 
▪  maintain awareness of the policies, outcomes and 
be prepared by staff. For funding rounds that have panels, 
strategic direction of Creative New Zealand
the conflict of interest register will be provided to the panel 
▪   direct all enquiries relating in any way to the funding 
facilitator prior to the meeting and the conflicts, and any 
round to Creative New Zealand staff
absence of any panel member during discussion because 
of a conflict, will be recorded in the panel meeting minutes. 
▪  delete or destroy any related documentation after the 
There are three types of conflict of interest that may apply to 
round has completed.
assessors: direct, indirect and perceived.
You may be required to join a panel of assessors for a 
A direct conflict of interest occurs when:
funding round.  Panel members are required to:
▪ An assessor applies to the round and stands to 
▪   read and consider the results of other external 
benefit financially and/or materially from a successful 
assessments prior to the meeting
application. In this case, the assessor will not assess for 
▪  make recommendations for funding by coming to a 
that round.
consensus with other panel members at the meeting
▪  An assessor stands to benefit financially and/or 
▪   take into account the opinions of other members of the 
materially from an organisation receiving funding or a 
panel and additional information provided by Creative 
capability building opportunity. In this case, the assessor 
New Zealand staff.
will not assess for any funding round to which that 
organisation is applying.
Assessors selected to assess for a funding round cannot:
An indirect conflict of interest occurs when:
▪  independently liaise with applicants/organisations about 
assessments or applications for that funding round
▪  Someone else other than the assessor applies and the 
assessor would benefit financially or otherwise if a grant 
▪   relay panel discussions or decisions to applicants or 
3 Review of investment categories May 2018

or offer of a place on an initiative were to be made. In 
this case, there are two options:
–  If the assessor has prior knowledge of the 
application, then the assessor should either 
withdraw from their participation in the project, or 
be removed from assessing that round. However, 
if the extent of the assessor’s involvement in the 
project and potential benefits are not considered 
to be significant, the assessor may be cleared to 
participate in the assessment of applications to 
the round but they cannot assess that particular 
application, or batch of applications of a similar 
nature. The assessor must leave the meeting room 
during any related panel discussion.
–  If the assessor does not have prior knowledge of 
the application, then the assessor must declare a 
conflict of interest as soon as they become aware. 
They will not assess that application or batch of 
applications of a similar nature and must leave the 
meeting during any related panel discussion.
▪   When someone else other than the assessor is 
associated with an organisation and the assessor would 
benefit financially and/or materially through the funding 
of that organisation. In this case, the assessor will not 
assess for any funding round to which that organisation 
is applying.
A perceived conflict of interest occurs when:
▪   An associate, friend, family member or organisation 
associated with an assessor applies for funding. In this 
case the assessor may be cleared to participate in the 
assessment of applications to the round but they cannot 
assess that particular application.  
▪   An associate, friend, relative or organisation associated 
with an assessor would benefit financially and/or 
materially through the funding of an organisation. In this 
case, the assessor should contact Creative New Zealand 
to discuss the procedure for managing the conflict.  
In some cases, the assessor will be cleared to assess.
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8. Payment
Reimbursement type
Amount (GST exclusive)
Base fee
Flat fee applied to every round where an assessor submits one or 
more assessments.
Assessment of 
$45 per application
This per application fee will be paid for all funding rounds, excluding 
the four noted below. 
Assessment of awards
$60 per nomination
For the Prime Minister’s Awards for Literary Achievement and the  
Arts Pasifika Awards.
$80 per application
For the Toi Uru Kahikatea and Toi Tōtara Haemata funding rounds.
of Investment 
Assessors attending 
Half day $150
Half day is calculated at 1-4 hours
panel meetings
Full day $300
Full day is calculated at over 4 hours 
Facilitators leading 
Half day $180
Half and Full day calculated as above, plus 20% preparation fee.
panel meetings
Full day $360
Travel, accommodation  When necessary Creative New Zealand staff will arrange travel for you to attend panel meetings 
and expenses
to consider funding recommendations. To minimise cancellation charges and full price for flights, 
please do not change flights once they have been confirmed unless absolutely necessary.
Taxi chits will be issued for use on taxis or shuttle buses to/from the airport only. Taxi chits will 
not be issued for same-city transport to a panel meeting. Parking costs will be reimbursed upon 
Creative New Zealand will not pay for travel by private motor vehicle where travel by other means 
is more practical and cost-effective. All claims for private vehicle mileage must detail the business 
purpose, kilometres claimed and travel details. Creative New Zealand uses mileage rate provided 
by the Inland Revenue Department.
Generally, flights will be for same day only; however, if an overnight stay is required, 
accommodation will be paid for and arranged at one of our preferred hotels.
If an overnight stay is required up to $35 may be claimed for dinner and up to $20 for breakfast. 
Claims must be accompanied by a receipt. Room service costs such as mini bar, videos, movies 
and phone calls are the responsibility of the assessor.
If assessors organise private accommodation an allowance of $55 per night may be claimed from 
Creative New Zealand. 
For any queries relating to travel and accommodation please contact Creative New Zealand staff.
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Tax and invoices
Creative New Zealand does not withhold tax from fees and allowances. The fees and allowances 
may be considered your taxable income by Inland Revenue Department (IRD). For tax treatment 
of your income please refer to IRD.  You are required by law to declare the fees you receive 
from Creative New Zealand in your income tax return.  You acknowledge and agree that you are 
responsible for paying all taxes, levies and payments relating your fees from Creative New Zealand, 
including without limitation, PAYE and any levies under the Accident Compensation Act 2001.
We do not require a tax invoice and will make the payment directly into a nominated account. 
Please make sure we have your correct bank account details. 
If you are GST registered you must send us your GST number. We will add GST to your fees and 
Payment of fees will be made within two weeks of completion of the funding round.
9. Independent contractor
You acknowledge and agree that if selected to assess for 
a funding round, you will be an independent contractor to 
Creative New Zealand and not an employee. 
10. Conditions of appointment 
I have read and understood the above terms and conditions 
and my obligations if selected as an assessor, and agree to 
be bound by them.
Assessor Name: 
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