Level 1
32 Oxford Terrace
Telephone: 0064 3 364 4160
Christchurch Central
Fax: 0064 3 364 4165
[email address]
18 June 2019
Antony Andrews
Email: [FYI request #10190 email]
Dear Antony
RE Official Information Act request CDHB 10088
I refer to your email dated 23 April requesting the following information from Canterbury DHB in relation
Maori health providers. Specifically:
1. I am interested in getting the names of the Maori health providers that are currently being funded
by Canterbury District Health Board. The names based on 2017 financial year or latest should be
Please see
Table one below:
Table one: Maori health providers funded 2017/18
Maori provider
Health services provided
Ha o te Ora Wharekauri,
Health Promotion, transport, Gym facilitation
Chatham Islands
Mama and Pepi, Well Child, Whānau Ora Navigators, Mental health, Mobile Nursing for
Te Tai o Marokura, Kaikoura
Chronic conditions
He Waka Tapu, Christchurch
Mental Health, AOD, nursing
Purapura Whetu, Christchurch
Mental Health
Nga Maata Waka, Christchurch
Mama and Pepi
Te Kakakura Trust
Mental Health, Whānau Ora and Residential care
Mama and Pepi, Well Child Tamariki Ora, Whānau mai (Parenting education), SUDI
Te Puawaitanga, Christchurch
prevention coordination and supply of Wahakura, Training of Well child nurse, and nurses
released for Children’s team panel. Mobile Nursing for Chronic conditions
Manawhenua ki Waitaha,
Maori and Pacifika Scholarships, Appointment of Maori representatives to Work streams
and SLAs
Rehua Marae, Christchurch
Kaumātua day-care, Health promotion
Mokowhiti Consultancy,
Provider Development
Tangata Atumotu, Christchurch
Pasifika Health services
Te Putahitanga o Te
2. Could you please also give the yearly dollar amount of funds Canterbury DHB has given to Maori
health providers since 2012 to 2018?
The yearly dollar amount of funds Canterbury DHB has given to Maori health providers since 2012 to
2018 is as follows:
2012/13 - $5,581,972
2013/14 - $6,103,900
2014/15 - $6,285,401
2015/16 - $6,661,058
2016/17 - $6,864,332
2017/18 - $7,291,052
3. Also a list of health services these Maori health providers currently provide to the population, if
Please refer to question one response above.
I trust that this satisfies your interest in this matter.
Please note that this response, or an edited version of this response, may be published on the
Canterbury DHB website after your receipt of this response.
Yours sincerely
Carolyn Gullery
Executive Director
Planning, Funding & Decision Support