This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Plans and budget of the Beach Road walking and cycling project'.

20 Viaduct Harbour Avenue, Auckland 1010 
Private Bag 92250, Auckland 1142, New Zealand 
Phone 09 355 3553   Website 
18 July 2019 
Mr Nicholas Lee 
[FYI request #10351 email] 
Dear Mr Lee 
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA) 
CAS-1062083-G6G1F2 – Beach Road Walking and Cycling Project 
We acknowledge receipt of your request for official information dated 22 May 2019 regarding the Plans and 
budget of the Beach Road walking and cycling project, Stage 1. 
The Beach Road Walking and Cycling project for Stage 1 was completed in September 2014. 
We have made every possible effort to locate the documentation, including searching various project sites 
related to this project, emailing the project team to enquire if they hold this specific information.  
Unfortunately, there is a large amount of documentation related to this project and a considerable amount of 
this documentation has not been updated or saved onto the project site.  
We have provided the following documentation that we were able to locate via our search. 
•  DC_Decision_Beach_Road_City_Centre20150402 
•  For Construction Drawing Set - Stage 1 
•  R-LUC-2014-2043 – Resource Consent 
With regards to your request for the breakdown of cost of this project, we have made every possible effort to 
locate the cost breakdown for Stage 1 of the project, including searching the project sites, pul ing the data 
from our financial system using the Stage 1 project code and searching the project manager’s emails (who 
was in charge of this project and is no longer an AT employee).  
We are therefore refusing your request for the cost breakdown under section 18(e) of the OIA / 17(e) of the 
LGOIMA because the requested document cannot be found.  
However, we have provided the project the cost outline for Stage 1 of the project, this data has been pul ed 
from the funding details AT provided to the NZTA.  
We have broken the budget into three main project phases in the table below, these are the Investigation, 
Design and Construction phases. 
Beach Road Budget and Spend Totals 

We trust the above information has addressed your request, should you believe that we have not responded 
appropriately to your request, you have the right in accordance with section 27 (3) of the LGOIMA to make a 
complaint to the Office of the Ombudsman to seek an investigation and review regarding this matter. 
Yours sincerely 
David Nelson 
Portfolio Delivery Director (Projects) 
Integrated Networks 
•  DC_Decision_Beach_Road_City_Centre20150402 
•  For Construction Drawing Set - Stage 1 
•  R-LUC-2014-2043 – Resource Consent 

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