Susan Bates
[FYI request #10597 email]
Dear Susan
Thank you for your 24 June 2019 to the Ministry of Education requesting the following
In 2018 an inquiry was commissioned by MoE into the complaints processes at MOE
concerning early childhood education.
Jan Adams completed this report and it was received by Iona Hoisted in Jan or Feb 2019. I
have been told several times that report is due to be released to the public, but it still has not
I would like to see this report, unedited, unredacted and unrevised, including the
recommendations Summary, as soon as possible.
Your request has been considered under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act).
One our roles is to ensure that all licensed early learning services and certificated playgroups
(early learning services) are meeting regulatory requirements to provide quality education and
Our management of complaints and incidents is one of a number of ways we identify whether
an early learning service is continuing to meet regulated standards. As you are aware, in 2018,
we commissioned an independent review of our early learning complaints and incidents
management processes. This was led by an external reviewer, who considered our
effectiveness at managing and responding to complaints and incidents in early learning.
A range of stakeholders participated in the review process, including representatives from
sector peak bodies, relevant agency managers and key personnel / members of the public
who have an interest in our complaints and incidents process.
The resulting report,
Sharpening the Practice - a
review of the Ministry of Education's
management processes for early learning complaints and incidents (the report) was provided
to the Ministry in early 2019.
I am releasing the report to you in part as
Appendix A to this response. Some information
has been withheld from the report under section 9(2)(ba)(i) of the Act to protect information
subject to an express or implied obligation of confidence. I have identified no public interest
considerations sufficient to outweigh the need to withhold that information.
OIA: 1·197057
National Office, Matauranga House, 33 Bowen Street, Wellington 6011
PO Box ·1666, Wellington 6'140. Phone: +64 4 463 8000 Fax: +64 4 463 8001