Ministry for Primary Industries
Manata Ahu Matua
1 2 JUL 2019
Hannah Enderby
Dear Hannah Enderby
I refer to your official information request on 10 July 2019 rela1ting to Kea and 1080, in
which you requested the following.
'Please provide information on the times taken to die for profocted native kea birds
after they eat 1080 poisoned food which has been spread in the kea habitat by
OSPRI NZ Ltd, which I note you are a conduit for public funding to. And also as a
part owner in the factory making this poisoned food I am picking you will know all
about it. Please provide the times found via scientific studies for kea or other avian
species as well as what you can estimate from kea tracking activities thru poisoned
food operations.'
This letter is to advise you that the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) is transferring
your request to the Department of Conservation (DOC) under section 14 of the
Official Information Act 1982. Your request is being transferred because the
information you are seeking is not held by MPI and is more closely connected with
the functions of DOC.
Alan Witcombe
Director Government Services
Public Affairs
Government Services
Charles Fergusson Building, 34-38 Bowen Street
Wellington 6011, New Zealand
PO Box2526
Wellington 6140, New Zealand
Telephone: 0800 00 83 33, Facsimile: +64-4-894 0300