31 July 2019
195 Lambton Quay
Private Bag 18-901
Wellington 6160
New Zealand
Edwin Hollier
+64 4 439 8000
fyi-req uest-107 32-e24661 b4@req uests. fyi. org. nz
+64 4 472 9596
Dear Edwin Hollier
I refer to your email of 13 July 2019 in which you request the following under the Official
Information Act 1982 (OIA):
" ... any input you have made into the defence property portfolio review. My focus is the
effect that reducing the number of defence sites would have on our defence reputation
in world eyes."
We have interpreted your request to relate to the review of the Defence estate footprint
that was announced by the Minister of Defence, Hon Ron Mark, on 11 July 2019 here:
https: //www. beehive .govt. nz/release/terms-reference-defence-estate-review-released.
I am advised that to date, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade has not provided any
input into the defence property portfolio review. Accordingly, to the extent your request has
been made under the OIA, I am refusing your request under section 18( e) of the OIA as the
information requested does not exist.
Please note that this letter (with your personal details redacted) may be published on the
Ministry's website.
You have the right under section 28(3) of the OIA to seek a review of this response by the
Yours sincerely
Wendy Adams
for Secretary of Foreign Affairs and Trade
enqu I rles@m fat.govt. nz