9 August 2019
LGOIMA No. 8140005179
(Please quote this in any correspondence)
Edwin Hollier
By Email:
[FYI request #10734 email]
Dear Edwin
Local Government Official Information And Meetings Act 1987
General manager licencing
I refer to your request which we received on 13 July 2019, regarding information relating to
the General Manager(GM) of Auckland Council’s Licencing and Compliance department.
The recent appointment of the GM Licensing and Regulatory Compliance was a direct
appointment made by the Chief Executive.
Auckland Council advertised and conducted interviews for a more senior role within the
organisation. The outcome of that process was that the role was fil ed by the former GM
Licensing and Regulatory Compliance. However, during interviews for the more senior role,
one candidate demonstrated the necessary competencies, aptitude and experience that
suggested he was extremely wel suited to fil the new GM Licensing and Regulatory
Compliance vacancy. Further, we had recruited for that role in 2017 and again in 2018,
including advertising internally and externally.
The decision was therefore made to directly appoint the candidate into the vacant GM
Licensing and Regulatory Compliance role. It not only resulted in the appointment of
someone who was well suited to the role but avoided the transactional and financial cost of a
further recruitment process.
In answer to the specific questions:
The salary band (scale) and letter grade for the general manager licencing and
compliance (dog registrations, food inspections etc)
The salary band of the General Manager Licensing & Regulatory Compliance is Band N,
which attracts a salary range of $215,000 to $322,500.
The job description for this position
Please refer to the
attached position description for this role.
A copy of the job brief used for when this position was recently replaced
A copy of the job advertisement used
The media that the job was advertised on e.g. Stuff, Monster
The number of all applicants broken down by internal and external
Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 |
aucklandcouncil.govt.nz |
Ph 09 301 0101
The number of applicants who were interviewed
As mentioned above, because this was a direct appointment, this role was not advertised
externally. Accordingly, this aspect of your request is refused under section 17(e) of Local
Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA), as the information you
have requested cannot be provided to you on the basis that it does not exist.
The person who made the final decision on hiring e.g. chief executive
The Chief Executive made the decision to appoint the current General Manager Licensing &
Regulatory Compliance into the role.
Should you believe Auckland Council has not responded appropriately to your request you
have the right to seek a review of the decision from the Ombudsman.
If you have any further queries please contact me on 09 301 0101, quoting LGOIMA No.
Yours sincerely
Jenny Hua
Privacy & LGOIMA Business Partner
Democracy Services
Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 |
aucklandcouncil.govt.nz |
Ph 09 301 0101