9 August 2019
[email address]
Dear Pauline
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA) request for the feedback
on the LED trial in South Dunedin
I am writing a response to your request made on 18 July 2019 asking for the feedback on the LED trial
in South Dunedin.
1. The research/survey/feedback methodology/project planning in regard to the col ection of
feedback regarding this trial.
No formal document was produced. The questionnaires for the residents and public were
produced specifically for the purpose of getting feedback on the trial.
2. The rationale in col ecting two sets of information i.e. why the residents feedback was gathered
separately to the public feedback.
The reason for col ecting resident feedback is because the residents experience the trial LEDs on a
daily and nightly basis where other members of the public do not. The resident feedback gave the
opportunity for residents to share their personal experience with the trial LEDs and give feedback
on their safety, the adequacy of lighting levels, and lighting colour.
3. The dates within which the two sets of information were open for feedback and closed for
feedback. One being public consultation and the second being the residents feedback.
The public feedback opened on 15 October 2018 and closed on 1 December 2018.
Door knocking for the residents survey took place on 15 December 2018 and closed on 25
January 2019.
4. How the feedback from the residents was gathered, including any form used and the date of
which this form/questionnaire was developed.
On 15 December 2018, DCC staff went door knocking to handout the residents paper survey on
Fawcett, Melbourne, and Oxford Streets. A feedback form was placed in the letterbox of residents
who were not home, along with a free envelope to return back to DCC. The feedback form is
5. Any information that was provided to the residents in regard to the LED trial lighting.
A paper survey was given to residents to fil and return back to DCC (Attachment A).
6. The number of residents in Fawcett, Melbourne and Oxford Street who provided feedback in
relation to the number of residences in these streets.
In total, 78 residents (on behalf of the street address or house) from Fawcett, Melbourne, and
Oxford Street provided feedback to the residents survey. All street addresses/houses were door
knocked (approximately around 200 houses). A number of vacant houses were noted.
7. Rationale for the weighting of public versus resident feedback in favour of the residents via
statements to the media by DCC "However, council transport group manager Richard Saunders
said feedback from the existing South Dunedin trial had been "positive" and there was no need
for another one." (ODT 6 April). Whereas public feedback was, on the whole, contrary to this i.e.
not supportive.
We were very familiar with the general feedback received previously from the public concerning
LED’s and this feedback was repeated in the online responses. This had been widely canvased. We
were interested in getting feedback from residents who were experiencing the new lights on a
regular basis rather than sharing general opinions about what kelvin the new lights should be.
8. Any reports completed in regard to the trial including any reference to the two separate feedback
strains i.e. public and residents.
No reports have been completed. We have only responded to media enquiries.
I trust this answers your request.
Yours faithfully
Rebecca Murray
Governance Support Officer
LED Light Trial on Melbourne, Fawcett and Oxford Street
Thank you for your involvement in trialling the LED lights on your street. We are interested in your
feedback on the trial to understand your experience with the LEDs.
You can complete the form online a
t www.dunedin.govt.nz/led-lights-feedback, by post using the
prepaid envelope or email to [email address].
First name:___________________________________
Last name:___________________________________
What is your address:__________________________________________________
When you go out at night do you feel safe along your street with the new lighting?
No change
Safer with new lights Safer with old lights
How do you rate the level of lighting provided by the new lights?
Too much
Not enough
About right
Don’t know
Is the colour of the new lighting on your road acceptable?
My preference is: _____________________________
Do you have any other comments about the road lighting in your street?
Thank you for taking the time to do this survey. We appreciate your feedback.
Disclaimer: Please note that feedback is public. Your feedback may be included on papers
available to the media and the public. Your feedback will only be used for consideration as part of
the city wide LED installation.