By email
Shed 39, 2 Fryatt Quay
Pipitea, Wellington 6011
PO Box 11646
24 September 2019
Manners Street
Wellington 6142
T 04 384 5708
File Ref: OIAP-7-12793
F 04 385 6960
Hugh Davenport
[FYI request #10836 email]
Dear Mr Davenport
Request for information 2019-304
I refer to your request for information dated 27 August 2019, originally received by Greater
Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) on 27 August 2019. Your request is for the following
“I'm a bit surprised about this extension. Would it be possible to get a bit of background why
it is expected to take so long?
My concern is that the footage to view is only an hour long, and when requested similar
information (minus the screenshots), Greg Pollock was able to view the footage (a larger
amount than requested here) in the space of 2 weeks. Now it seems that the council is unable
to view an hours worth of footage in over 2 months. I find it extremely unusual as Greg
Pollock found nothing of concern when he previously viewed the footage, so it should be
quite straightforward to view and collate the response this time, or is the council actively
trying to hide something?
Can I please make another request to the council:
- Time spent on consulting for this request since 29 July 2019
- Who was consulted, and when, and what about
- The expected time needed for consulting for this request since 26 August to 10 October
- Who is planned to be consulted, and when during that period, and what are they planned to
be consulted about
- The expected time needed for consultation for each of the questions asked…”
GWRC’s response follows:
We are refusing this request for information in accordance with section 17(h) of the Local
Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (the Act) for the reason that we consider
this request to be frivolous or vexatious or that the information requested is trivial.
As you will be aware, since this request was made, we have provided you with a response to your
request for information. In addition, we have been in further correspondence with you by email to
arrange a time for you to review the footage yourself at our GWRC offices.
If you have any concerns with the decision(s) referred to in this letter, you have the right to request
an investigation and review by the Ombudsman under section 27(3) of the Act.
Yours sincerely
Greg Pollock
General Manager, Public Transport