10 October 2019
Hugh Davenport
[FYI request #11026 email]
Decision on Information Request - Refinement/Charging letter
Dear Mr Davenport
Thank you for your request made under the Local Government Official Information and
Meetings Act 1987 (the Act), received on 18 September 2019. You requested the following
Information specific to Site ID SI440-1
The speed limit it was set to prior to August 26th 2019
The date it was last configured prior to August 26th 2019
If the speed limit was configured multiple times during its 7 year history, then:
The dates the speed was configured
The speed it was configured with
The posted speed limit at the site location (“I assume this is 30km/h for
the entire history”)
All records the council have about this particular device being configured
incorrectly (ie, fixit requests, communication (verbal, email, written, social
media) from the public, internal communication regarding this device).
Any information held regarding the calibration check on this device last
December (2018)
Any actions made in response to the calibration check on this device last
December (2018)
An explanation why this sign was still misconfigured after the calibration check
last December (2018)
If the device had a calibration check multiple times during its 7 year history,
The dates of the calibration check for this device
Any information regarding the calibration check on this device
Any actions made in response to the calibration check for this device
The speed it was configured to at the time of calibration (before any
alterations made)
The posted speed limit at the site location (“I assume this is 30km/h for
the entire history”)
An explanation why the device was still misconfigured after the
calibration check.
The Wellington City Council (the Council) has decided to grant your request. However,
given the amount of resource required to process your request, it is most likely that we
would need to charge for the request. If you would like to avoid a charge we are happy to
work with you to refine your question to try and minimise the cost of the request.
Help refining your questions:
To help refine your questions to minimise the charge, please consider:
What is it that you want to achieve with the information gathered?
Refine the size of your request. E.g. consider a specific timeframe that covers a
smaller period of time or a smaller geographical, area like a street.
Refine the scope of your request. E.g. focus on one area this could be a business
unit or a specific incident.
If you decided to refine your request, I will get the team to reassess to see if it can be
responded to without a charge.
Charging for current request:
The Council charges $38/half hour with the first four hours free.
To research and collate the information, we estimate that the work will take a maximum of
12 hours with the first four hours free that will leave eight chargeable hours. The maximum
charge will be $608.00 (8hr x 2 x $38 = $608.00 inc GST).
Before we proceed further with your request, please confirm that:
you agree that the request will remain the same;
you agree to pay the $608.00 inc GST to have the information made available to
you agree that once payment is received that the information will be made available
to you within 20 working days.
If the Council does not hear back from you by close of business on the 16 October 2019
we will consider that you have declined to pay for the request and the request will be
Right of review
If you disagree with my decision you have the right, under section 27(3) of the Act, to ask
the Ombudsman to review and investigate my decision. Further information is available on
the Ombudsman website, www.ombudsman.parliament.nz.
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Thank you again for your request. If you have any questions about refining your request
or the charge of your current request please feel free to call.
Asha Harry
Assurance Advisor
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