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16 October 2019
Dianne Trevors
[FYI request #11065 email]
REF: OIA-5705
Dear Dianne
Request made under the Official Information Act 1982
Thank you for email
of 27 August 2019 to the Minister of Transport, Hon Phil Twyford requesting
information under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act). On 29 August 2019, your request was
transferred to the NZ Transport Agency for response.
On 13 September 2019, the NZ Transport Agency extended the timeframe for responding to your
request under section 15A of the Act. As advised, we required an additional 15 working days to
respond to your request. The deadline was extended because your request necessitated a search
through a large quantity of information and meeting the original timeframe would have unreasonably
interfered with the Transport Agency’s operations and could not have been made within the original
20 working day limit.
Your questions are numbered and decisions on each part are provided below:
1. March 2000 - Siblair Knight Merz prepared an outline plan report for NZTA on SH58/Flightys
Rd/Murphys Road intersection - What was the proposed cost to make the proposed
changes to this intersetion reconstruction?
This part of your request is refused under 18(e) of the Act. As the March 2000 report was
produced over 19 years ago, the Transport Agency does not hold an electronic copy of this
document and despite efforts to locate a hard copy, this document was not found.
2. 13 November 2014 - the budget was set at $30M to upgrade and implement safety
improvements on SH58 https://www.nzta.govt.nz/media-releases/30m-proposal-to-make-
sh58-safer/ - what safety improvements did this include?
The safety improvements included straightening some tight bends, introducing safer speeds to the
area, installing wire rope safety barrier and building a new roundabout at Moonshine Road. Initial
work carried out shortly after the 2014 media release addressed the high-risk area north of
Mt Cecil Road.
3. 21 November 2014 - "Proposed improvements were to include wire rope barrier" What was
the specific budget allocation for the Wire Rope Barrier.
There was no specific budget allocation for the wire rope barrier at that date. Instead, the whole
project was estimated at $30M to incorporate the proposed improvements. Specific budget
allocation is subject to tendered and negotiated rates.
4. 28 November 2014 - "work on the western section, currently operating under a reduced
speed limit, is due to commence in December. This first-stage work involves straightening
the road, installing 700m of wire rope safety barrier to protect motorists from head on
collisions, and improving drainage to maintain the road’s integrity, as the stream has
washed away its foundations" https://www.nzta.govt.nz/media-releases/transport-agency-
thanks-local-community-for-input-on-sh58-safety-upgrade/ - Why did this work not
There were minor delays in the award and negotiations for the work. The work was awarded in
December 2014 with the start date delayed beyond the Christmas break and works commencing
early in 2015.
5. 16 January 2015 "This realignment is the first stage in a wider $30m package of
improvements scheduled for SH58 between SH2 and Transmission Gully, which includes
further curve realignments, a reduction in the speed limit (from 100 to 80km/hr), the
installation of a wire rope barrier and a roundabout at Moonshine Road",
https://www.nzta.govt.nz/media-releases/state-highway-58-safety-improvements-to-begin/ -
When was the $30m package of improvments cancelled?
The improvements package was not cancelled. The $30M package of improvements has since
been expanded to include a new roundabout and bridge on Flightys Road, improved pavement to
allow for increased traffic loading, and to factor in market constraints.
6. 15 July 2015 "the installation of a wire rope barrier and a roundabout at Moonshine Road",
winter/ - What was the specific cost for the roundabout at Moonshine Road?
There was not a specific cost for the roundabout at Moonshine Rd in July 2015 because the work
had not been tendered or priced at that time.
7. In 2017 (engagement report below) it was detailed the "proposed package" of safety
improvements for SH58. It is interesting to note that some of the "proposed package" of
safety improvements were actually carried over from 2014. https://www.nzta.govt.nz/assets
The 2014 package of improvements referred to a section of road between Mt Cecil Road and
Harris Road. These works were completed prior to the 2017 report which proposed safety
improvements for the remainder of the route from Haywards Interchanges to Bradey Road.
8. 18 July 2017 "Package of saftey improvements", https://www.nzta.govt.nz/media-
a) What was the difference between the safety improvements as outlined between
November 2014 - July 2015?
The additional safety improvements announced in July 2015 that were not announced in
November 2014 included a new roundabout at the Murphys/Flightys intersection, widening the
shoulders and bridges, and installing side barriers.
b) What was the specific cost for the Round about at the intersection of
SH58/Flightys/Murphys Road in July 2017?
There was not a specific cost for the roundabout at the intersection of SH58/Flightys/Murphys
Road in July 2017 because the work had not been tendered or priced at that time.
c) What was the specific cost for the Round about at the intersection of Moonshine
Road/SH58 in July 2017?
There was not a specific cost for the roundabout at the intersection of Moonshine Road/SH58
in July 2017 because the work had not been tendered or priced at that time.
9. 20 March 2018 "“SH58 has accumulated one of the worst safety records in New Zealand
and it’s a priority for the Agency to make significant safety improvements as soon as
possible" https://www.nzta.govt.nz/media-releases/transport-agency-proposes-safety-
improvements-for-sh58/ - Specifically What significant safety improvements was NZTA
referring to in this release?
This media release referred specifically to “a lower speed limit, along with other improvements like
straightening dangerous curves, intersection improvements and installing a median barrier”.
Under section 28 of the Act, you have the right to ask the Ombudsman to review my decision on your
request. The contact details for the Ombudsman can be located at www.ombudsman.parliament.nz.
If you would like to discuss this response with the NZ Transport Agency, please contact Chris Nally by
email at [email address] or by phone on (04) 894 5082.
Yours sincerely
Andrew Thackwray
Senior Manager, Project Delivery