PTM Consultants Limited Mail - 702 Pakuranga Road Howick Relocatio...
PTM Admin <[email address]>
702 Pakuranga Road Howick Relocation of Bus Stop & Shelter
2 messages
Mon, Apr 29, 2019 at 11:49 AM
To: [email address]
For Pippa Mitchell.
Thank you for your letter of 08/04/19 received 15/04/19 and for the opportunity to comment on the proposed
relocation by Auckland Transport of the bus stop and shelter currently outside 702 Pakuranga Road.. I wish to make
the fol owing comments:
I am happy with the bus stop and shelter in their
present location where they have been for some decades.
2 I am not aware of any concerns about their present location. If the intermediate school , or other schools, have a
concern about pupils waiting for the bus for a few moments of the day either before school or between 3 pm and
3.30 pm the schools and AT should consider improving existing school bus services operating from the schools
3. A concern I have about the proposal is the loss of up to 2 on-street car parking spaces outside of 700-702. Your
letter does not say where the alternative spaces "available in the surrounding area" to which you refer are? To the
west of the Link on Pakuranga Road? The Link (approximately half of which has broken yel ow line)? Outside the
shops at the junction of Botany, Ridge and Pakuranga Roads? Ridge Road? The first bus stop on Ridge Road after
702 Pakuranga Road currently has no specific road marking for that bus stop which is a separate concern.
4. 702 already has the burden of a bus stop and shelter outside that property. Why move the stop and shelter to
outside another property, 700, when the shelter could be moved to the west of the access way to 702 but stil
outside of that property, 702 ? That would largely achieve the objectives of your proposal with less adverse impact
on other properties on Pakuranga Road between The Link and Ridge Road , in particular the property at number
700, than your proposal.
5.. When the previous solid block constructed bus shelter outside 702 was demolished for revenue creation reasons
and replaced by the present Adshel shelter (inferior to what was there before) there was a considerable delay
(weeks!) in either the (then) Council or Adshel replacing the rubbish bin removed during the construction of the
Adshel shelter. Cal s to both local body staff and Adshel were to no avail and the bin was replaced only after
representations to the community board when Pat Booth was chair. So I make the plea for a rubbish bin to be
installed , or reinstalled, at the same time as any replacement or relocated shelter should AT proceed to relocate the
stop and shelter either as proposed, or may be modified..
6.. Please telephone me if you have any queries on the above.
Yours sincerely
PTM Admin <[email address]>
Mon, Apr 29, 2019 at 11:57 AM
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30/04/2019, 8:33 am
PTM Consultants Limited Mail - 702 Pakuranga Road Howick Relocatio...
Thank you for your feedback. Once the consultation period has closed Auckland Transport wil review the feedback
received and determine how to proceed.
Kind Regards
[Quoted text hidden]
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30/04/2019, 8:33 am
20 Viaduct Harbour Avenue, Auckland 1010
Private Bag 92250, Auckland 1142, New Zealand
Phone 09 355 3553
6 May 2019
Pakuranga Road
Auckland 2010
Proposed relocation of Bus Stop and Bus Shelter – Pakuranga Road, Howick
Thank you for your feedback on Auckland Transport’s proposal to relocate the bus stop and bus
shelter currently outside 702 Pakuranga Road slightly further west to outside 700 Pakuranga Road
in Howick.
Auckland Transport has considered your feedback and has responded to the points you raised –
please see our response to your comments.
Auckland Transport’s response to your comments
In your feedback you raised the following comment:
• COMMENT – That AT should consider improving school bus services instead as were unaware
there were concerns about the bus shelter’s present location.
o RESPONSE – As stated in the previous consultation letter safety concerns were raised
directly with AT by the school. Further, the current location of the shelter positioned as it
is between two driveways is not considered suitable for any bus passenger and AT
always seeks to improve people’s accessibility to and experience of the public transport
AT does work closely with schools regarding school bus routes and has an on-going
programme to make improvements where possible. While this investigation was
prompted by concerns raised by the school AT Metro consider that the location of the
current bus shelter is not suitable for any users and should be relocated. Further, school
children use this bus stop to catch both general AT Metro services as well as a school
bus route that caters for different schools in the area. There are also separate specific
school bus routes that cater for Howick Intermediate which do use the school grounds.
• COMMENT – Concerns about the loss of the on-street parking outside 700 and 702 Pakuranga
Road and querying where the alternative spaces are in the “surrounding area”.
o RESPONSE – The removal of these two on-street parking spaces is necessary to
improve access to the bus stop. AT standards require at least a 15m clear lead space in
to any bus stop to ensure that the bus can pull up parallel to the kerb, currently that is not
There is on-street parking available for up to 12 vehicles on The Link and there are also
numerous parking spaces available on the northern side of Pakuranga Road west of The
Link all of which is within between 1 and 2minutes walk based on the average walking
• COMMENT – Identifying that the first bus stop after this stop on Ridge Road currently has no
road markings.
o RESPONSE – Thank you for bringing that to AT Metro’s attention this matter will be
investigated and programmed for an upgrade.
• COMMENT – Disagree with moving the bus shelter to outside 700 Pakuranga Road when it
could be moved further west but still outside 702 Pakuranga Road, which would achieve the
same result with a “
less adverse impact on other properties on Pakuranga Road between The
Link and Ridge Road, in particular the property at 700”.
o RESPONSE – The reason that the bus shelter has been relocated to outside #700 rather
than to just west of its current location but still outside 702 Pakuranga Road is due to the
presence of underground services in the area. Due to the depth of these services and
the bus shelter foundation requirements the only suitable location was where the
consultation plan proposes it outside 700 Pakuranga Road.
• COMMENT –. Request that the rubbish bin please be relocated with the bus shelter should this
proposal proceed.
o RESPONSE – Auckland Council is responsible for the provision and maintenance of
rubbish bins and AT will liaise with them to ensure that the rubbish bin will be retained at
this bus stop.
What happens next?
Auckland Transport will now proceed with the next step in the process. This will involve preparing a
report for the Traffic Control Committee (TCC) who determines if the proposed bus parking can be
installed. The report will include the issues you have raised and how Auckland Transport has
responded to these. The TCC will take into account all information provided and make a
determination. If they believe that changes are required then Auckland Transport will advise you of
Further information
For further information on the proposed changes please email me at [email address]
Yours Sincerely,
Pippa Mitchell
Principal Transportation Consultant
On Behalf of Auckland Transport
However, looking at the site visit notes for Pakuranga Rd there appears to be an extra Chorus cover that isn’t in the photos. The one I have highlighted in yellow below
and see on the photos there isn’t anything there. You can clearly see the other Chorus cover and the plinth and then the other side of the driveway the electrical box etc
but where is the Chorus Cover? It is a little confusing as you have marked in at 40.8m which means it should fall between the plinth and the end of the bus stop, so not
quite where drawn up but still there seems to be nothing but grass?
The reason I am asking is we might just try and shift the shelter a bit further down the stop but this mysterious cover might prevent that option. If you could please let me
know if this is just an error or if I am reading the notes wrong or something else?
Thank you