This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Insight into national geospatial leadership and geospatial standards development and promotion'.

Ref: DOIA 20-085 
14 November 2019 
E Robertson 
By email:
 [FYI request #11262 email] 
Dear E Robertson 
Thank you for your official information request received on 20 September 2019 
regarding insight into national geospatial leadership and geospatial standards 
development and promotion. 
Some of the information you have requested is provided as listed in the table below.  
However, you will note that some information has been withheld and the various reasons 
for this are also detailed in the table.  We are of the view that the withholding of the 
information is not outweighed by other considerations which render it desirable in the 
public interest to make that information available. 
We note your interest in LINZ’s role with respect to national geospatial leadership and 
standards and, given the historical nature of the documents you have requested, we 
would welcome the opportunity to discuss with you in more detail our forward-looking 
strategic direction.  For example, we are currently considering the Integrated Geospatial 
Information Framework1
 developed by the United Nations Committee of Experts on 
Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM), which we see as the next 
evolution of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure previously led by the New Zealand 
Geospatial Office. 
If you wish to discuss the future direction of LINZ’s geospatial leadership and standards 
roles, or the OIA decisions within this letter, please feel free to contact me directly on  
(04) 498 3840 or [email address]. 
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this OIA 
decisions set out in this letter. Information about how to make a complaint is available at or freephone 0800 802 602. 
Yours sincerely 
Jan Pierce 
Deputy Chief Executive, Location Information 


Summary table of responses to information requested: 
Information requested 

OIA request decision  
1.    Please provide the final copies of: 
Please find the Hill report within the attached “Feedback Document” 

the report 'Geospatial Function Review' undertaken by Deidre 
dated 07 August 2018. 
Hill, February-September 2018 
Plus any accompanying and associated reports, appendices or 
The Hill report did not have any accompanying and associated reports, 
appendices or annexes.  Therefore, this request has been refused under 
section 18(g) of the Official Information Act because the information is 
not held.  Please note, we have considered documents and other 
information which were inputs into this report as out of scope for this 
2.    Please provide the final copies of: 
Please find the Palmer report attached within the “Feedback Document” 

the associated report on "Geospatial Standards and 
dated 07 August 2018.  Details of some interviewees (page 33) have 
Interoperability" (Author: Palmer, 2018). 
been withheld under section 9(2)(ba)(i) of the Official Information Act 
because its release may prejudice the supply of confidential information 
and its future availability.  One redaction on page 22 has been made 
under section 9(2)(g)(i) which relates to free and frank expression of 
Plus any accompanying and associated reports, appendices or 
The Palmer report did not have any accompanying and associated 
reports, appendices or annexes.  Therefore, this request has been 
refused under section 18(g) of the Official Information Act because the 
information is not held.  Please note, we have considered documents 
and other information which were inputs into this report as out of scope 
for this request. 
3.    Please provide copies of all feedback, in any form (email, 
Feedback received during the writing of the Hill and Palmer reports was 
oral, etc), received on these reports during both the writing of the 
provided orally and no records (ie, meeting minutes) were made.  
reports AND after their publication. 
Therefore, this request is refused under section 18(g) of the Official 
Information Act because the information is not held. 
Feedback received after the publication of the Hill and Palmer reports 
(which were published together as the “Feedback Document” (07 August 
2018)) is attached.   Some identifying details (ie, names, job titles etc) 
and other information have been withheld under section 9(2)(ba)(i) of 
the Official Information Act because their release may prejudice the 
supply of confidential information and its future availability. 


Information requested 
OIA request decision  
4.    Please provide copies of any revisions of these reports that arose 
The Hill and Palmer reports (published together within the “Feedback 
from incorporating any feedback received and copies of 
Document” (07 August 2018)) were not revised as a result of any 
subsequent feedback on the revised version(s) of the reports. 
feedback received.  Therefore, this request is refused under section 
18(g) of the Official Information Act because the information is not held. 
While the Hill and Palmer reports themselves were not revised as a 
result of the feedback received, they were used to inform the 
subsequent “Consultation Document” (dated 26 September 2018) which 
is attached for your information. 
5.    Please provide the final copies of: 
All information requested in relation to the Greenland report is currently 
under active consideration, therefore, this request is refused under 

the report on standards and interoperability led by Greenland 
section 9(2)(f)(iv) of the Official Information Act.  We anticipate that 
any actions and/or decisions in relation to this report will be made by 
early 2020. 
Plus any accompanying and associated reports, appendices or 
Please provide copies of all feedback, in any form (email, oral, 
etc), received on these reports during both the writing of the 
reports AND after their publication. 
Please provide copies of any revisions of these reports that arose 
from incorporating any feedback received and copies of 
subsequent feedback on the revised version(s) of the reports. 
6.    Please provide any report(s), information or evidence that:  
In 2017, the decision to overtly integrate the principles of the 
New Zealand Geospatial Strategy (2007) into LINZ’s core location 
1.  laid the foundations for the decision to close the New 
information activities was made as part of a broader organisation 
Zealand Geospatial Office (NZGO) 
realignment.  Please find attached the Consultation Document  
(29 May 2017) and the Decision Document (15 June 2017).  Please 
note, we have considered documents and other information which were 
inputs into the Consultation Document as out of scope for this request. 
Please provide any report(s), information or evidence:  
As noted in the documents provided, the key principles of the New 
Zealand Geospatial Strategy and the functions of the NZGO were 
2.  on any meetings or communications that took place around  integrated into the Location Information business group, so a specific 
establishing a successor to the NZGO. 
successor to the NZGO has not been established.  Therefore, this 
request has been refused under section 18(g) of the Official Information 
Act because the information is not held.