Level 5, The Majestic Centre
100 Willis Street
PO Box 5084
Wellington 6140
New Zealand
14 January 2019
T 64 4 894 5200
F 64 4 894 3305
Chris Bishop
Member of Parliament for Hutt South
ACT 1982
[email address]
REF: NZT-3533
Dear Mr Bishop
Thank you for your letter of 12 December 2018, and the petition you have attached regarding the
proposed improvements at the Melling Interchange.
As you know, the NZ Transport Agency’s Melling Transport Improvements component of RiverLink
was one of the projects identified for re-evaluation to ensure it gives effect to the Government
Policy Statement on land transport (https://nzta.govt.nz/planning-and-investment/national-
In considering investment priorities for the 2018-21 National Land Transport Programme, we
balance improving safety and access, protecting the environment, and value for money. This
means the construction timing, and form of the project wil depend on growth and funding
priorities across the country.
We appreciate people’s patience as we have worked through this important re-evaluation process
and we are working as quickly as we can to provide the best outcomes and value for money for
communities now and in the future.
We expect to be able to make announcements about decisions on these projects in the New Year.
If you would like to discuss this reply with the Transport Agency, please contact Emma Speight,
Director Regional Relationships (Lower North Island), by email to [email address].
Yours sincerely
Michael Stiassny
Board Chair