9 December 2019
Damian Light
[email address]
REF: NZT-4543
Dear Damian
Thank you for your email of 15 November 2019 in response to the NZ Transport Agency’s
decision to transfer a request for information made under the Official information Act 1982 (the
Act) to Auckland Transport for its response.
That request sought the following:
NZTA has been working with Auckland Transport on a trial of AT Local. I would like the
business case and related documents for the AT Local trial:
1) Final Business Case that was approved to begin the trial (and any subsequent updates);
2) Regular reporting on targets, who they were provided to and when;
3) Business Case (or similar document) used to approve the extension of the trial;
4) Breakdown of costs and revenue from the programme over its lifetime.
You have subsequently asked whether the Transport Agency provided funding for the AT Local
programme. Funding was provided for the AT Local out of the National Land Transport Fund’s
Public Transport activity class. However, because, the amount of funding sought was less than
$1 million, a business case was not required by the Transport Agency.
As the information sought by your request is more closely connected with the functions of
Auckland Transport, it was transferred in accordance with section 14 of the Act. You can expect
a reply from Auckland Transport in due course.
Yours sincerely
Robyn Elston
Senior Manager, System Design