(Applies to Inactive records and archives)
Some stationery, marketing material
Some stationery also stored in this space.
Records not in active use are stored in a
and academic gowns also stored in this
dedicated storage area.
Key control
Storage areas allow ongoing access to the
records by authorised users.
All except microfilm
Records are stored in locations which reflect
the characteristics of their format and their
retention period.
Viewed. Expires 13 April 2013
Viewed. Expires 13 April 2013
The building in which records are stored
comply with the New Zealand Building Code
that applied at the time of construction and
associated codes and standards, and is
appropriate for use in storing records.
(Building Warrant of fitness)
The building in which records are stored
must have adequate drainage systems to
prevent flooding.
The storage area must be insulated from the
climate outside.
Storage areas must be protected against
internal hazards.
A building maintenance programme must be
in place.
Protection against Disaster
(Applies to all records and archives)
Disaster managemlnt programmes are
established and maintained to minimise risks.
Records are located as far as possible from