20 Viaduct Harbour Avenue Auckland 1010
Private Bag 92250, Auckland 1142, New Zealand
Ph 09 355 3553
Fax 09 355 3550
27 November 2019
Andrew Kong
[FYI request #11640 email]
Kia ora Andrew
The information you requested - CAS-28977-F2Z1Q8
Thank you for your request for information dated 12 November 2019 on HIKvision cameras.
Auckland Transport has over 1500 HIKvision cameras installed. Are these cameras capable of
AI facial recognition of Uyghur muslims?
Auckland Transport (AT) does not currently use facial recognition or have any plans to do this. The
library and algorithms that do facial recognition are freely available on open source code
repositories and most analytic systems would have included these in their product.
2. Has Auckland Transport had internal discussion about purchasing technology from a company
openly engaged in facilitating human rights abuses?
There have been no internal discussions on this matter. Therefore, this request has been refused
under Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 17 (e) as the information does not
Should you believe that we have not responded appropriately to your request, you are able to make
a complaint to the Office of the Ombudsman in accordance with section 27(3) of the LGOIMA Act,
and seek an investigation and review in regard to this matter.
Yours sincerely