LGOIMA - People, vehicle counts and monitoring software at CCC
Software, Hardware &
Vendor Partners
Libraries foot count
Christchurch City Libraries use
The system counts foot traffic at the entrance to a library. As
RFID system - The vendor
an RFID system to manage the
people pass through the security gate an infrared beam is
is Fe Technologies and
circulation and security of
broken and counts one person passing through. If the gate is bi-
the software is Smart
items within a library building,
directional then the overall count is divided by two to get the
also useful for reporting on
average count of foot traffic into the library.
usage and most popular days
Not all libraries have security gates installed – at some of the
and times.
smaller libraries the entrance would be constrained by their
presence so they have not been installed.
The foot count data forms part of the annual statistics for the
library service and is used for planning purposes.
Art Gallery Foot
The counts are used to track
The Christchurch Art Gallery uses a system to count foot traffic
The product is
engagement with exhibitions
into the art gallery and exhibition halls that counts the number
and visitor counts to the art
of people using a camera system that registers people via
thermal imaging.
Street Foot Count
Experimental/trial to show
We have pedestrian counting at 10 spots around the CBD, the
VIP Security is the
pedestrian traffic patterns
method we use can identify if a pedestrian is in frame, how long preferred project delivery
useful for designing of our
they are in frame and entry/exit points but we don’t identify
partner because they are
streets, WiFi, urban design.
who that person is (e.g. name, gender, demographic etc.).
the supplier for electronic
The automated counting is done by using existing camera feeds
security, surveillance and
and analysed through the preferred software of the project
intrusion for Council since
delivery partner.
VIP Security have an existing contract to install, service &
maintain integrated solutions revolving around swipe cards, IP
cameras and intruder alarms – all linked into the whole of
council network. VIP security purchased the software Briefcam
video analytic software in order to obtain information from
traffic cameras. The software has been configured with a
number of parameters that allows it to identify and count
shapes. The “Gehl study” time parameters (10 minutes
monitored and then extrapolated out to give a per hour figure)
is used to get an estimated hourly rate of pedestrian count in
the areas being monitored.
We are about to move on to the second phase of the pedestrian
counting trial, where we will get real-time data from the
cameras. We are currently working with Jade software for the
video analytics software that will provide us data in real-time
from the same cameras.
All of the counting is done anonymously and the data from the
software contain no identifiable details. Sample data is
counting-trial/ and the graphically representation is available
ere: pedestrian count
Parking bay sensors
We are trialling parking sensors which can detect when a
The vendor is Parkable
vehicle is in a parking bay but there is no way to determine the
license plate, colour, make/model etc.
CTOC & Transport
Monitor busy intersections for
Pneumatic tube traffic counters: includes one or more
The current contractor
Traffic Counts
traffic control and help to
pneumatic tubes installed on roads. The detectors attached to
for this type of counts is
inform intersection changes
the tube detect and record the number, type and speed of
vehicles crossing over the tube. These tubes are usually
installed on a road for a whole week. This type of detectors are
also used by NZTA on several permanent locations along the
state highway network.
Camera traffic counters: includes usually one traffic camera
The current contractor
installed at selected intersections for a day. The camera records for this type of counts is
a video of traffic movements then an automatic digital image
processing technology detects the number and type of turning
traffic at the intersection.
Induction loop traffic detectors: These detectors are part of the
These loops are installed
traffic signal operations system. These loop counters
and operated by CTOC
permanently and continuously detect and communicate the
and their contractors.
number and density of vehicles on different approaches to all of
the signalised intersections and cycle and pedestrian crossings.
Induction loop/Infra-red detectors for pedestrian/cycle counts:
These detectors are
These automated counters either as induction loop only or as a
operated and maintained
combination of both are used to count and differentiate
by CCC staff.
between pedestrian and cyclists.
Bluetooth detectors: These automated detectors detect
These detectors are
identifiable Bluetooth devices at certain locations on the
operated by CTOC.
network and calculate vehicle travel times using the distance
and time difference between the consecutive detections of the
same device. The outputs are anonymised travel time data.
Rental e-Scooter data: These data are recorded on the rental e-
e-scooter operators
scooters and reported to the CCC by the operators. The data
feed is anonymised and includes, time, location, duration and
path of every trip made by the devices. The operators,
however, have access to a higher level of details re users.
Google GPS travel time data: This technology uses GPS data
related to individual smart phones. The data are stored on the
Google servers, anonymised, processed and made available to
NZTA and subsequently CCC. NZTA has a contract with Google
and gets the data. NZTA has provided access to the data for us
through platforms that they’ve set up in their servers. We don’t
get non-processed data.
Cellular mobile phone data: This technology uses the
approximate location of individual mobile phones on the
network and used for identification of distribution of trip-origin
destinations over the network. This type of data are provided
by mobile phone operators as anonymised records to some
data analytic third parties where the data is processed. CCC is
not currently using this type of data. There is potential for
transport modelling but there are no use-cases known at this
stage for CCC.
Parks Visitor
The Parks Unit uses targeted
TRAFx (People) - This counter detects and counts people. It
The Parks Unit uses three
Centres, Mountain
visitor and vehicle counters to
continually monitors the amount of infrared energy within its
different systems: QTech,
Bike Tracks, Walking determine usage patterns and
field of view and when there is a significant change from the
TRAFx and Bellwether.
Tracks, Parks,
to help inform planning, and
ambient amount, it records a count.
These detectors are
Wharves & Jetties
where to direct operational
operated and maintained
and capital expenditure.
TRAFx (Vehicles and Mountain Bikes) - Featuring an aerospace-
by CCC staff.
quality magnetometer, this counter detects moving objects that
have ferrous metal content (e.g., vehicles). In essence, it‘s a
sophisticated metal detector.
Botanic Gardens –
Report on visitor numbers
Counts foot traffic by people walking past.
QTech: Battery powered
Gates, conservatory
& Fernery Building
Mona Vale Gardens
Botanic Gardens
Report on visitor numbers
Electric powered camera. Gives very accurate numbers - if
Visitor Centre
someone keeps going in and out of the doors, it recognises that
and doesn’t count more people. Data collected is only the count
depicted on a graph.
Urban Parks and
Report on visitor numbers
Counts foot traffic by people walking past . Prepares hourly,
TRAFx: Battery Powered
Regional Parks
daily, weekly, monthly and yearly graphs