1 April 2020
Stuart Yeates
[FYI request #12327 email]
Tēnā koe Mr Yeates
Thank you for your email of 27 February 2020, requesting information about
banned words that are not allowed through the Corrections’ eprisoner emailing
system. Your request has been considered under the Official Information Act 1982
You requested:
the current list or lists of words or phrases
Corrections’ eprisoner system is standard for all sites and the reply message
indicates which word/expression is creating the problem with the email sending.
This allows the sender to modify their message and then resend it.
Corrections has a list of banned words relating to the sending of email, however,
releasing the information into the public domain could compromise the safety of
individuals or the security of prisons. Therefore, the requested information is
withheld under section 6(c) of the OIA, as the making available of that information
would be likely to prejudice the maintenance of the law.
the procedure and schedule for updating the list or lists
There is no set schedule for updating the list. Corrections last modified the list
during a review of the banned words and phrases. The Chief Custodial Officer’s
team conducts reviews when determined necessary.
I trust the information provided is of assistance. Should you have any concerns
with this response, I would encourage you to raise these with Corrections.
Alternatively, you are advised of your right to also raise any concerns with the
Office of the Ombudsman. Contact details are: Office of the Ombudsman, PO Box
10152, Wellington 6143.
Please note that this response may be published on Corrections’ website.
Typically, responses are published monthly, or as otherwise determined. Your
personal information including name and contact details will be removed for
Ngā mihi nui
Rachel Leota
National Commissioner