Southern District Health Board
Dunedin Hospital
201 Great King Street
Private Bag 1921
Chief Executive Officer
Phone 03-476 9456 Fax 03-476 9450
10 August 2020
Amy S Van Wey Lovatt
[FYI request #12513 email] Dear Ms Van Wey Lovatt
Official Information Act Request
I refer to your Official Information Act request received 26 May 2020 and your follow up email,
dated 29 May 2020, in which you specifically requested the following:
I was very confused by your response. Even if your DHB contracts out pathology services, third
party health practitioners would make requests directly to your DHB for pathology specimens as
the DHB ultimately responsible for the tissue. Thus, to clarify:
Request 1: Does this mean your DHB has adopted the RCPA policy, which is the professional
standard, for such requests given there is no written policy?
Request 2: If not, I respectfully request a description of your DHB's standard practice regarding
such requests and in the event that your DHB's standard practice is NOT consistent with the RCPA
policy, then an explanation for the deviation from the professional standards.
Request 3: If your standard practice is to forward requests to the contracting agency, then I
respectfully request that your DHB forward my OIA request to the appropriate agency, pursuant
to section 14 of the OIA. To avoid any misunderstanding, when I refer to policy, I would also
include any standard practice, written or unwritten.
Thank you for your enquiry. The Southern District Health Board contracts Southern Community
Laboratories (SCL) for these services. Our provider’s response to your two requests are below;
Request 1:
SCL follows the RCPA Policy 2/1999 for the ‘Provision of second opinions with reference to
morphological examination’. In summary we would comply with any request for second opinion
– either to provide slides from our files for the review by another pathologist, or by providing a
second opinion review itself if a request is made to us.
Request 2:
SCL does not deviate from the RCPA Policy 2/1999 for the ‘Provision of second opinions with
reference to morphological examination’.
Request 3:
The responses to Requests 1 and 2 are provided by the contracting agency and should therefore
satisfy the requirement to forward your previous OIA request (1926).
You have the right to seek an investigation and review of our decision by the Ombudsman. The
Ombudsman's Office can be contacted on 0800 802 602 or on-line at Yours sincerely
Chris Fleming
Chief Executive Officer
Ref 1958