Tuesday, 21 April 2020
Amy S Van Wey Lovatt
[FYI request #12527 email]
Re: Official Information Act Request – Best Practice: Archiving, Storage, Biobanking of Human Tissue for Diagnostic
Kia ora Amy
Thank you for your request for information under the Official Information Act 1982.
You asked:
Request 1:
I am writing to request a copy of the your DHB's best practice protocol for the archiving, storage, or biobanking of
human tissue for diagnostic purposes, whether they are formalin fixed, paraffin embedded or pathology slides, and the
standards, legislation or scientific evidence which provides the basis for your DHB's protocol.
Request 2:
Is your DHB protocol for the archiving, storage, or biobanking of human tissue for diagnostic purposes, whether they
are formalin fixed, paraffin embedded or pathology slides, based on a universally adopted standard within NZ or has
your DHB determined its own policy.
Request 3:
Please explain the potential hazards of leaving formalin fixed, paraffin embedded or pathology slides in an unsecure,
non-temperature and non-humidity regulated environment for 2 months over a NZ summer: say a on an employee's
desk which is open to the public and in a repurposed house adjacent to the hospital from mid-December to late
Request 4:
Please provide me with the name of the independent agency or agencies which provides oversight for your medical
Hauora Tairāwhiti’s response is as follows:
The services described above are contracted by Hauora Tairāwhiti to Medlab Central. Hauora Tairāwhiti is therefore
unable to provide the information requested.
If you are not satisfied with this response you may contact the Office of the Ombudsmen, phone 0800 802 602.
Please note this response or an edited version of this response may be published on the Hauora Tairāwhiti DHB
website. Your personal/identifying information will be redacted from any responses published. If you feel that there
are good reasons why your response should not be made publicly available, we will be happy to consider this.
Ngā mihi
Jim Green
Chief Executive