By email
Shed 39, 2 Fryatt Quay
Pipitea, Wellington 6011
PO Box 11646
18 June 2020
Manners Street
Wellington 6142
File Ref: OIAP-7-15309
T 04 384 5708
F 04 385 6960
Tony Randle
[FYI request #12893 email]
Dear Mr Randle
Request for information OIA 2020-072
I refer to your request for information dated 26 May 2020, which was received by Greater
Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) on 26 May 2020. You have requested the following
I am interested in the work and supporting calculations for the planned Fare Review
to be undertaken as part of the 2020/21 Annual Plan that I understand will shortly be
subject to a short public consultation. This information is requested to support a
possible submission on the fares to be proposed as part of the annual plan public
consultation and so provision of this information in time to be analysed and included
into a submission is an important element of this request.
1) Can I please have a copy of any reports, presentations or workshop material on the
proposed public transport fares since November 2019? Please include any appendices.
2) Can I please have a copy of any reports, presentations or workshop material on the
impact of the proposed public transport costs on fares and/or the Farebox Recovery
Ratio since November 2019 ? Please include any appendices.
3) Can I please have a copy of the detailed calculations used to support the Farebox
Recovery Ratios for the 2020/21 year ?
4) Can I please have a copy of the detailed public transport costs used in the
calculation of the Farebox Recovery Ratios as outlined in 3) ?
5) Can I please have a copy of the detailed revenue estimates used in the calculation of
the Farebox Recovery Ratios as outlined in 3) ?
6) Can I please have a copy of any council workshops where the 2020/21 Farebox
Recovery Ratios were discussed including any agenda, workshop attendees, minutes
and presentation information ?
If the requested information is held in electronic form, I would prefer it was provided
in its complete and original electronic format. I would also prefer that all
correspondence be via the FYI web site.”
GWRC’s response is as follows:
The annual fares review for this year started in the second quarter of 2019/20 as part of the
Annual Plan process for 2020/21. The review involved looking at the past performance for
2018/19 and a preliminary fare level and compliance review based on the latest patronage
and financial forecasts for the 2019/20 (current year) and 2020/21 (Annual Plan year).
The preliminary results were presented to a Council workshop on 26 November 2019 as part
of the Council discussions on budget for the 2020/21 Annual Plan. This was followed by some
background analyses, which was underway until the Government declared the state of
emergency in response to COVID-19 pandemic from late March.
Given the significant impacts that COVID-19 has had on patronage, fares and fare revenue,
the annual fares review has not been able to proceed any further until more is known about
the extent of the impacts, possible courses of recovery from the pandemic and the extent
and availability of the Government’s funding support for the foregone revenue.
Therefore the information you have requested is only available until the end of February
2020. Please note that the background information we are providing to you as part of this
response are working documents and the values contained in these documents are subject to
We have provided you with the following information:
Council workshop material on public transport fares since November 2019
Attachment 1 is a copy of the fares related information presented to the Council workshop
on 26 November 2019 as part of this year’s Annual Plan process. The slides in Attachment 1
are extracted from an original document that also included information which was outside
the scope of your request. The out of scope information has therefore been removed from
Attachment 1.
Please note that Council workshops do not have any formal agenda or minutes. Depending
on the subject, presentations may outline the topics for consideration by Council in the
workshops. No agenda or minutes have been recorded on the subject of fares review
presented to the Council on 26 November 2019.
As the Annual Plan process progresses, GWRC constantly updates the cost and revenue
forecasts for current year and the budget for next year. Therefore some values in Attachment
1 (from 26 November 2019) may not be the same as the values for the same variables in the
background analyses provided in Attachments 2(a) and 2(b), which contain the latest updates
by end of February 2020. Some formulas have also been adjusted to balance costs with any
associated external or other revenue.
While values may change over time as a result of this updating process, the changes in values
generally do not significantly affect the overall outcomes.
Supporting cost and revenue information and calculations
Attachments 2(a) and 2(b) are electronic copies of the preliminary background analyses and
calculations used for reporting on actual ‘User Contribution’ ratios for 2018/19 and
projections for 2019/20 and 2020/21 under the current Long Term Plan.
The background analyses include details of the actual cost and revenue information for
2018/19, forecasts for 2019/20 and the budget update for 2020/21 based on the latest
information available by end of February 2020.
Payments to the operators have been withheld in accordance with section 7(2)(b)(ii) of the
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (the Act) as releasing this
information would be likely to unreasonably prejudice the commercial position of the
operators or suppliers of this information.
The payment information for Electric Fleet Premium is subject to ongoing contract
negotiations with operators. In accordance with section 7(2)(i) of the Act, withholding of this
information is necessary to enable GWRC to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage,
negotiations with operators.
Accordingly, we have provided you with the requested information in two formats:
Attachment 2(a): is an electronic copy of the calculations (with the actual and
projected cost information relating to contracts deleted) in a format that gives the
Attachment 2(b): is an electronic copy of the calculations (with the actual and
projected cost information relating to contracts deleted) in a format that gives the
figures but does not give the formulae behind the figures
Please note that with these formats the values in the 'Summary Report' are affected in
Attachment 2(a). This has occurred because the formulas in that part of the document rely
on the redacted values in other worksheets. Where data has been deleted from a cell, the
value of the cell becomes zero; however any formula that uses the redacted cell will still be
visible in the formula bar.
We have considered whether the public interest in the requested information outweighs
GWRC’s need to withhold certain aspects of the requested information. As a result, we do
not consider that the public interest outweighs GWRC’s reason for withholding parts of the
documents under the grounds identified above.
If you have any concerns with the decision(s) referred to in this letter, you have the right to
request an investigation and review by the Ombudsman under section 27(3) of the Act.
Yours sincerely
Scott Gallacher
General Manager, Metlink