By email
S hed 39, 2 Fryatt Quay
ipitea, Wellington 6011
O Box 11646
1 July 2020
anners Street
ellington 6142
File Ref: OIAP-7-15448
T 04 384 5708
F 04 385 6960
Michael Brown
[FYI request #13013 email]
Request for information 2020-079
I refer to your request for information received by Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) on
3 June 2020. You requested the following information in relation to our response to your previous
OIA 2020- 036 request regarding the punctuality to trains on the Wellington network. Your new
request is a follows:
I have since had a chance to analyse the data you provided and have some followup questions.
You provided data for November 2019 on the HVL, with patronage and timeliness/lateness
information for every service. I then compared this to the report provided on the Metlink website
The official Metlink HVL report for Nov 2019 states that 88.4% of services ran on time. The
spreadsheet you provided, on the other hand, indicates that only 76.1% ran on time. The difference
of 12.3% matches (to within 0.1%) the number of bus-replaced services. It appears, therefore, that
bus-replaced services are being counted as "on time" train services in your statistics and reporting.
My questions are:
1. Can you confirm that bus-replaced services are being counted as "on time" train services?
2. Is this being done for data on all Metlink train lines?
2. Why are you combining the two types of services for statistical purposes (if this is indeed what is
GWRC’s response follows:
For all rail lines operated by Metlink, the punctuality figures reported do count services replaced by
buses as ‘on-time’. However, if a replacement service does not run it is not counted as being ‘on-
We combine the bus replacement and rail services data for statistical purposes, as the bus
replacement services operate as if they are rail services.
Bus replacement services run to special bus timetables, which reflect the fact that bus
replacements do often take longer than the scheduled train travel times. These bus replacement
timetables are communicated for each set of bus replacements.
Please note that we are working with the rail operator (Transdev) and KiwiRail to ensure that our
rail network has as minimal interruptions as possible. However, with the large amount of
maintenance and repair work that KiwiRail needs to make to the rail infrastructure over coming
times, there will continue to be a need for bus replacements.
We hope this additional information is useful, please let us know if there is anything else you might
If you have any concerns with the decision(s) referred to in this letter, you have the right to request
an investigation and review by the Ombudsman under section 27(3) of the Local Government
Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.
Yours sincerely
Scott Gallacher
General Manager, Metlink