This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'ICT - Email Services'.


(NGCM) Complete Inbound Client Related Emails (Shared 
Inbox)  v32.0

NOTE What if you locate another email relating to 
your client, but it's not allocated to you in 

When you have completed your current piece of 
To assess and complete email requests that are received in 
work and then located an additional email related 
a shared inbox so that we can respond in a timely, consistent 
to the client:
1) Tag email as 'Managed by recovery team'
2) Complete the request
Paul Harvie
3) Locate the email task in Salesforce by search-
Peter Bennett
ing for the email address via the global search 
4) Close the email task
5) Delete the email from the shared inbox
1.0 Assess email
Perform the relevant inbound privacy checks on the in-
Recovery Administrator, Recovery Assistant
bound mail.
In Salesforce, set your status as 'Available for work'. This 
will allow you to receive the next priority email task.
Outbound Document Checks
NOTE What can you view in Salesforce?
Check if the file size of any documents attached exceeds 
• The latest email received will display in the 
email message.
NOTE What if I am a Recovery Assistant and have 
• Any attachments relating to the latest email will 
identified documents that exceed 10MB?
display in attachments.
Depending on your geographic location, forward 
• Additional emails relating to the chain will show 
the email to the Inbound Document Management 
under Email message. You can also see if there 
team in Dunedin or Hamilton, requesting them to 
are any attachments with the additional emails.
upload the document to the client's claim. IDMT 
NOTE What if the email task is for a 'Quarantine 
will file away the email once it has been ac-
Smartgate' message for an outbound email?
Go to Activity 3.0 Reply to 'Quarantine Smart-
gate' emails
• [email address]
• [email address]
NOTE What if the email was sent to the incorrect 
email address?
NOTE What if I am a Recovery Administrator and 
Please forward the email to the correct shared e-
have identified documents that exceed 
mail address. The team that should have re-
ceived the email in the first instance will file away 
Use Adobe Pro to
and create the required tasks.
Reduce file size:
• Select Optimize PDF
NOTE What if you receive an ACC179 for Long Term 
• Select Reduce File Size
or Extended Nursing Services?
Forward the email to [email address]. 
Split document
Delete the email from the shared inbox. In Sales-
• Select organize page
force close the associated email task. This 
• Select Split
process ends.
• Select Split by File Size (up to 10MB)
Select [Copy Search] and copy this into the search box of 
The document will save in the same location and 
the shared inbox you are working in. Choose [All Mail-
the original document and will be name PART1, 
boxes] to search the entire shared inbox, then open the 
PART2 (depending in the size of the file being 
related emails.
Documents are ready for uploading.
NOTE What if the copy function doesn't work?
Search the inbox using the client's claim number, 
client's name, email address to locate the email.
2.0 Respond to sender
NOTE What if I'm a Recovery Administrator and I 
Recovery Administrator, Recovery Assistant
locate the email I've been tasked with?
Review the email to determine what action is required
Categorise your email as 'Currently Being 
Worked On'. If you find your email and it already 
NOTE What if no response or action is required?
has a category, Mark Closed your task in Sales-
Some emails will be sent to the shared inbox as 
an auto reply or a 'Thank you'. These emails will 
create a task in Salesforce however there is no 
NOTE What if I'm a Recovery Assistant and I locate 
action or response required. For these emails, 
the email I've been tasked with?
close the task and delete the email. Air New 
Tag as "Managed by Recovery team, using the 
Zealand itinerary confirmation emails, are for-
categorization function within Outlook. Complete 
warded to the client as part of the arrange flights 
the request, delete the email and close your task 
process therefore, the tasks need to be closed 
in Salesforce.
and emails deleted in this instance too. This 
process ends.
ACC > Customer Insights and Comms > Manage Customer Enquiries and Feedback > Manage Client Enquiry and Feedback > (NGCM) Complete Inbound Client Related Emails
(Shared Inbox)
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NOTE What if the email is a verification of email ad-
NOTE What do you do if filing away is taking too 
If the verification is for a client email address:
• Log a ticket with ICT via the desktop appli-
• File away the email
• Update the party record with the verified email 
• Create a NGCM - Follow up Report/ACC Re-
quest in Eos.
• Update the task description to show [Check 
If the verification is for a client's employer?
Email] and include the [Copy Search] string from 
• Open the party record and file away the email
the Salesforce task. Include any other relevant 
• Add the employer as a contact person via the 
"Contact Person" tab
• Leave the email in the shared inbox and cate-
gorise as blue. Do not create folders
NOTE What if the email is for an invoice query?
• Mark Closed the task in Salesforce
Go to the '(NGCM) Resolve Invoice Queries 
• Go available to receive your next piece of work.
PROCESS (NGCM) Resolve Invoice Que-
NOTE What do you do if you receive a NGCM -
Follow up Report/ACC request task?
Check the claim to see if the email has been filed 
NOTE What if no response is required, but action is 
If it has:
Complete the required actions(s) of the email.
• Update the properties of the document
NOTE What if there is an action that I don't have the 
• Action the appropriate task in Eos for the 
delegation to complete?
Recovery Team (eg Follow up task). If there is no 
Determine who can complete the action and for-
follow up task on file and we've received a 
ward the email to an individual or team. Delete 
report, create a NGCM Action Attached 
the email from the shared inbox. In Salesforce 
Documentation task.
click 'Mark Closed' the associated email task. 
• Go to the inbox and search for the email using 
This process ends.
the 'Copy Search' string and delete the email.
• Mark Closed the task in Salesforce.
File away the inbound email. If the email does not have a 
• Go available to receive your next piece of work.
document attached, file away to the client's Recovery 
Plan using your individual email address. If the email 
If it hasn't:
contains a document, it must be filed away to the ACC45.
• Go to the inbox and search for the email using 
NGCM Filing Away - System Steps
the ‘Copy Search’ string.
• File away the email.
NOTE What if you cannot locate the claim in Eos?
• Return the task to the queue in Salesforce, 
Reply to the email requesting additional infor-
update the description to 2nd file away (etc) and 
mation from the sender. As this email cannot be 
change the due date to the next business day.
filed away, move it from the ‘sent items’ folder in 
Action the appropriate task in Eos for the Recovery Team 
your Outlook mailbox to the ‘Deleted Items’ 
(eg follow up task).
folder in the shared mailbox. This will allow the 
next person to respond once a reply is received.
NOTE What if the document received is an ACC18 
medical certificate?
NOTE What if you identify a Provider has sent sev-
eral emails with documents attached for a 
Create an NGCM - Action Medical Certificate 
single claim?
task and link to the ACC18. The task will 
automatically route to Assisted Recovery or Indi-
Contact the Provider to understand the issue. It 
vidual managing the claim.
may be due to size restrictions on their email 
server. If this is the case, request the Provider 
NOTE What if there isn't an associated task for this 
uses the same subject line in all emails relating 
to the single claim.
Create a NGCM Action Attached Documentation 
NGCM Filing Away - System Steps
Task and assign to Assisted Recovery or Recov-
ery Team member.
Check that the email has successfully filed away. Once 
you have viewed the email on the claim (this could take 
Respond to the sender. Ensure you are familiar with the 
up to 5 minutes), delete the email from the inbox and 
ACC guidelines for communicating with customers before 
update the document properties of the email in Eos.
In Eos, update the description field of the email contact 
NG GUIDELINES Customer Communication
using an easily identifiable description.
Perform the relevant privacy checks before disclosing 
NOTE What if there is an action that needs to be 
completed by a Recovery Team member in 
Privacy Check Before Disclosing Information Policy
the email?
File away the response email to the client's Recovery 
Create a NGCM Action Attached Request Task 
Plan using your individual email address.
and assign to Assisted Recovery or Recovery 
Team member.
NOTE What if I am a Recovery Assistant and I have 
not completed all actions related to an email 
at the end of the day?
• File away the email using your individual email 
address and delete the email from the inbox.
• Update the Recovery Plan with progress to 
• Create follow up action tasks (Reminder ac-
tions or Contact actions) for further actions re-
quired with a due date.
ACC > Customer Insights and Comms > Manage Customer Enquiries and Feedback > Manage Client Enquiry and Feedback > (NGCM) Complete Inbound Client Related Emails
(Shared Inbox)
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Recovery Plan - Create Reminder Actions - System 
Delete the inbound email from the shared inbox
In Salesforce, Mark Closed the task.
Go available to receive your next piece of work.
3.0 Reply to 'Quarantine Smartgate' emails
Recovery Administrator, Recovery Assistant
Open the original email and perform the outbound docu-
ment dispatch checks. Refer to the 'Inbound and Out-
bound Document Checks' document below. For further 
information refer to the Quarantine Email guidelines.
NGCM - Quarantine Email guidelines
Outbound Document Checks
NOTE What if I receive a Salesforce Task to review a 
quarantine email?
When reviewing the quarantine email, open the 
EOS email contact and add your initials and the 
Salesforce Task ID (T-XXXXX).
NOTE What if I am a Recovery Assistant and iden-
tify an error?
• Call or message the person who created the 
email to discuss the error you have found
• Find contact related to that email in Eos, Edit 
the contact and add “PLEASE DELETE”
• Delete the quarantine email
• Open the related claim, fix the error you have 
identified and resend the email
• Email your Team Leader to delete the contact 
you have marked as “PLEASE DELETE” and 
ensure any documents attached to that email are 
also deleted from the contact.
NOTE What if I'm a Recovery Assistant and identify 
a potential privacy breach?
• Email your Team Leader to alert the potential 
privacy breach immediately
• Call or message the person who created the 
email to discuss the error you have found
• Find contact related to that email in Eos, edit 
the contact and add “PLEASE DELETE”
• Delete the quarantine email
• Open the related claim, fix the error you have 
identified and resend the email
• Email Team Leader to delete the contact you 
have marked as “PLEASE DELETE” and ensure 
any documents attached to that email are also 
deleted from the contact.
NOTE What if I am a Recovery Administrator and 
identify an error?
Email Recovery Team Member who generated 
the outbound response, requesting the error is 
resolved and the email resent.
Delete the quarantine email from the folder. For 
further information refer to the Principles Work-
ing in the Administration Team document.
NG PRINCIPLES Working in the Administration 
ACC > Customer Insights and Comms > Manage Customer Enquiries and Feedback > Manage Client Enquiry and Feedback > (NGCM) Complete Inbound Client Related Emails
(Shared Inbox)
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When to save emails in Eos v7.0
2.0 Exceptions
The attached table shows which email communications 
you are not required to save into Eos. If you're not sure 
If the client sends an email regarding a specific claim, upload it 
whether to save an email into Eos, talk to your team 
as a 'Contact' to that claim, otherwise upload it to Party level.
Uploading emails to the appropriate Party record:
• enables us to gather information more easily if the client re-
quests a review or appeal
• provides a date and time stamp
• provides context for the email
• helps us manage requests from clients for their personal infor-
• provides greater integrity and accuracy of information
• provides a complete and accurate record of our contact with 
the client or party.
John Sullivan
Iosef Sengson
Exceptions - Email in EOS.PNG
1.0 Rules
You must upload all correspondence to the appropriate 
Party record in Eos, including emails to and from a client, 
provider or employer. This includes:
• general correspondence regarding our processes
• specific information about how we manage claims
• correspondence about the active management of a 
particular claim.
Emails saved in Eos must be a complete record of 
correspondence with the client and include:
• the date and time it was sent
• the name of the sender and the receiver.
You must save all appropriate emails into Eos, regardless 
of the number of emails sent and received on a topic. 
• CHIPS process - File an inbound email to a party record 
or claim in Eos
• Eos Online Help - File an inbound email
You must secure all legally privileged information after 
uploading it to prevent the documents from printing when 
someone asks for a copy of their claim file.
Verifying and re-verifying an existing vendor, pro-
vider or facility work email address
File an inbound email
Email and Instant Messaging Policy
ACC > Claims Management > Manage Client Information > Operational Policies > Communication > Email > When to save emails in Eos
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File an inbound email
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File an inbound email
Use these instructions to file an inbound email as an email Contact in Eos
Last review 09 Nov 2018
Next review 09 Nov 2019
 How to: File an inbound email
• File an Outlook email as an Email Contact
• Find an ACCID
• Find a Claim number and ACCID
• Promote a document to a Claim or Party
• Tips
• Related content
Contacts are used to record details of communications with external parties, such as emails, phone 
calls, letters and faxes. It is important to record contacts so that other staff members are able to see 
all of the communications relating to a Claim or Party.
Email Toolset enables an incoming email to be forwarded to Eos, which creates an Email Contact. If 
the email has an attachment, it will also be visible in the Documents tab.
File an Outlook email as an Email Contact
You can choose to file an Outlook email to an Eos Claim and Party or to a Party only. The Email 
Contact must always be associated with a Party. If the Claim is sensitive, the Contact will only be 
visible at Claim level and not visible on the Party.
Step 1
Open Outlook and click ‘Forward’ in the email you want to save as a Contact in Eos.
Step 2
Type the Claim number and/or ACCID in the 'Subject' line as shown in the following table.
Type of filing
What to type in the 'Subject' line
Claim and 
The Claim number and ACCID are both 
CLAIM: 10023858 ACCID: 
Party only
The ACCID is required
ACCID: 10218672
Provider Party
The ACCID must be prefixed by 'PROV-'
Vendor Party
The ACCID must be prefixed by 'VEND-'
• Customer numbers must be preceded by the phrase ACCID: followed by the Party ID
• Claim numbers must be preceded by the phrase CLAIM: followed by the Claim number.
Step 3
Check whether the body of the email contains an image, eg a signature logo. If it does, then you'll 
need to format the email as ‘Plain Text’ by completing the following:
• go to the ‘Format Text’ tab
• select ‘Plain Text’
• the ‘Microsoft Outlook Compatibility Checker’ message will pop up
• click ‘Continue’ to format the email in plain text.
If you don’t format the email as ‘Plain Text’, Eos will save the image and email as a separate 
document when you have complete ‘Filing Away’.
Step 4
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File an inbound email
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Enter the [email address] email address as the ‘To’ recipient.
Step 5
Click 'Send' in Outlook.
The email will be saved in Eos and visible in the Contacts tab.
Note: If the email has an attachment, the attachment will be displayed as a hyperlink. Attachments 
will also be automatically saved under the Documents tab.
Back to top
Find an ACCID
If the subject line of the inbound email has not already been populated with the ACCID, locate the 
correct record in Eos.
To find the ACCID of a Party:
Step 1
Conduct a privacy check of the content of the email and attachments to ensure the information is 
relevant and appropriate to upload to Eos.
Step 2
Open the party record.
The number displayed at the top left hand corner of the Eos screen is the ACCID.
Step 3
Copy and paste this number into the 'Subject' line and type 'ACCID:' before it.
Back to top
Find a Claim number and ACCID
If the subject line of the inbound email has not already been populated with the Claim number and 
ACCID, locate the correct record in Eos.
Step 1
Conduct a privacy check of the content of the email and attachments to ensure the information is 
relevant and appropriate to upload to Eos.
Step 2
Open the claim.
The Claim number and ACCID will be shown at the top of the screen.
Step 3
Copy and paste the Claim number and the ACCID from Eos into the 'Subject' line of the email you 
wish to save as an Eos Contact.
Back to top
Promote a document to a Claim or Party
If an Email Integration Contact has an attachment, the ‘Promote document’ icon will be displayed 
next to it. This means you can add a copy of the document to a Claim or Party.
Step 1
Conduct a privacy check of the content of the email and attachments to ensure the information is 
relevant and appropriate to upload to Eos.
Step 2
Open the claim or party record and go to the Contacts tab. Click Promote document.
The 'Copy Attachment' window displays.
Step 3
Click the magnifying glass (search icon) to search for a Claim or Party.
Step 4
Enter your search criteria and click Search.
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File an inbound email
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Step 5
Select the Claim or Party you want to attach a copy of the document to.
Step 6
Click Copy.
The document will be copied to the selected Party and/or Claim.
Back to top
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Email and instant messaging policy
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Email and instant messaging policy
Selwyn McCallum
Last review 02 Dec 2019
Next review 01 Dec 2020
Policy statement
We use emails or instant messages to communicate, collaborate and share information.
When sending, or receiving emails or instant messages, we must uphold the reputation and 
standing of ACC in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
This policy outlines key principles for ensuring that emails or instant messages are managed in 
accordance with business needs, good information management practice and relevant legislative 
This policy applies to all emails (including email attachments) and all instant messages that are 
created, sent or received through an ACC approved and provided system (eg Skype for Business). 
These messages and emails include all those created, sent, received and managed when acting for, 
or on behalf of, ACC.
Policy principles
We use ACC Email and Instant Messaging primarily for business purposes.

We may use email and instant messaging tools for limited personal use but must comply with the 
ACC Code of Conduct and Information Security policies.
The following use of email and instant messaging is not allowed:
• sharing of racist, sexist or inappropriate jokes
• sharing of emails or instant messages containing large and/or potentially malicious files (games, 
executable files, large videos) that can slow or destabilise our system
• sending of inappropriate emails and/or messages that reflect discrimination, bullying or 
We are all responsible for effectively managing email and instant messaging tools to 
communicate, collaborate and share information internally and externally.

• Instant messaging is used for informal, short-term conversations.
• All emails or instant messages representing ACC’s interests must be sent from an official ACC 
user account – [email address].
• All emails and instant messages sent or received using ACC user accounts and systems are the 
property of ACC and must be treated as such. 
• The email and instant messaging code of practice serves as a guide for appropriate behaviours 
in sending emails and messages. 
Instant messaging and email systems must not be used as a system of record for storing ACC 
business decisions or business records.

A system of record is the authoritative data source for a data element or data entity. Email and 
Instant Messaging systems must not be used for the long-term storage of ACC business records.
A document is an ACC business record if:
• it contains information to help you carry out your work
• it has been used in your work to make a decision
• it reflects a business decision, or demonstrates an influence on a business decision
• you are required to act upon it
• it needs to be reported to another person or internal (or external) body
• it is proof of ACC’s business processes
• it approves or authorises an action
• it signifies a policy change or development
• it relates to a significant ACC project or activity
• it helps other ACC staff to easily locate and trace the development of policies, decisions, 
procedures etc.
• it sets a precedent.
http://thesauce/resources-and-tools/policy-legislation/corporate-policies-a-z/email-and... 25/06/2020

Email and instant messaging policy
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You may document a decision, or action, via email but must store that email/email thread in Eos, the 
shared drive, Document Store or similar. Do not keep the message in a folder in your Outlook 
All email and instant messages are legally discoverable and may be requested as part of 
information requests arising from the Official Information Act, Privacy Act, Public Records Act or 
other legislative requirements.
We dispose of Email and Instant Messaging content according to legislative requirements.
Emails and instant messages must be managed in accordance with our approved Disposal 
Where an email that contains a business decision or action has been saved into a system of record 
as per 4.3 above, the original email can then be deleted.
Email and Instant messages must be available for retrieval and remain accessible for business and 
legal purposes up to the point of disposal.
4.5 We do not use unapproved instant messaging applications within ACC.
• Use of unapproved applications is a breach of ACC’s Code of Conduct and may result in 
disciplinary action
• To confirm whether the application you are using is approved, contact the Information Security 
The Manager Information and Digital Tools with assistance from the Chief Information Security 
Officer (CISO) is responsible for this policy being implemented on behalf of the Chief Technology 
and Transformation Officer (CTTO).
All staff are collectively responsible for Information Management at ACC.
• Capture decisions or actions recorded in your emails by transferring or 
recording into the appropriate ACC core system, such as Eos, DocStore 
or the shared drive.
consultants and 
• Report any suspicious emails and/or instant messages to info security 
temporary staff 
engaged by 
• Comply with this Policy and any supporting standards.
• Comply with all required LIME training modules.
• Observe proper email etiquette.
Must ensure the Email and instant messaging policy is known and followed by 
Must demonstrate good email and instant messaging behaviours.
Must address email and instant messaging issues with the appropriate staff.
People managers are responsible for ensuring their staff and contractors are 
aware of the ACC Email and instant messaging policy
This means:
• identifying staff, including contractors and fixed-term employees, that 
require email management training and taking appropriate action to 
address this
• raising email management issues with the Information and Digital Tools 
• modelling good practice in Email and Instant Messaging management to 
their staff.
Information and 
• Must maintain and administer this policy and associated standards.
Digital Tools 
and Information 
• Investigate and trouble shoot information security issues and threats.
Security Teams
• Reports on and plans for security incidents and threats.
Monitoring and oversight
Information and Digital Tools team with assistance from Information Security will monitor 
compliance with this policy. Day to day oversight of staff compliance is the role of line managers.
http://thesauce/resources-and-tools/policy-legislation/corporate-policies-a-z/email-and... 25/06/2020

Email and instant messaging policy
Page 3 of 4
The monitoring and oversight of email and instant messaging follows the five lines of assurance 
Line of 
1st Line
• Ensure email and instant messaging within their business groups is 
managed per this policy.
• Monitors that all team members complete training and learning modules to 
build information management awareness.
• Monitor that their teams are managing email and instant messaging as 
per this policy.
Heads and 
• Monitor tools and technologies which populate reporting dashboards.
• Ensure that any incidents are actively raised and addressed with the 
appropriate employee.
2nd Line
Enterprise Data 
• Provide oversight of all information management aspects in this policy and 
Information and 
subject matter expertise to staff and management when required.
Security (EDIS) 
• Monitor email and instant messaging usage, and report to the appropriate 
managers any misuse or suspicious behaviour.
• Regularly review and report to ensure the intention of the policy is being 
Risk and 
• May conduct periodic compliance review activities on information 
management practices along with the Privacy team
Oerall oversight of our information management practices and through 
leadership of the Information Governance Group (IGG), and its supporting 
governance groups, management of all decision making in this.
Technology and 
Officer (CTTO)
3rd Line
• Independently review the overall reliability of processes and performance 
in accordance with the Assurance Plan.
• Provide independent information to the Board and Executive on the 
reliability of ACC’s risk management processes and residual risk status, 
linked to top value creation and preservation.
4th Line
• CEO and Chiefs have primary responsibility for our strategic objectives 
and reporting to the Board on the management of these.
• Objectives.
• Overall responsibility for building and maintaining robust risk management 
5th Line
• The Board has oversight that ACC is meeting its strategic objectives in 
relation to information management.
Breaches of policy
Compliance with all policies and procedures is required under ACC’s Code of Conduct. Behaviour 
or actions that are investigated and found to be in breach of the Code of Conduct may result in 
disciplinary action. Refer to Code of Conduct for further information.
Contact Information and Digital Tools [email address] or Information Security [email address].
http://thesauce/resources-and-tools/policy-legislation/corporate-policies-a-z/email-and... 25/06/2020

Email and instant messaging policy
Page 4 of 4
An environment (either electronic or physical) where information is registered, 
stored and managed.
A record is any documentation or evidence of business activity and decisions.
A business record is evidence of a decision or action undertaken as part of 
conducting ACC business.
Retention and 
A systematic listing of the records created by an organisation which plans the 
life of these records from creation to disposal.
Authority or 
InformationmManagement policy
Information security policy
Code of Conduct
Privacy policy
Bullying & harassment policy
Copyright policy
Policy review dates
Last review: December 2018
Next review: December 2020
Appendix A
Overarching documents
Information Management
• Privacy Act 1993
• Public Records Act 2005
• Official Information Act 1983
• Electronic Transactions Act 2002
• Health Information Privacy Code 2008, revised edition.
• Code of Conduct
• Information Security Policy
• Information Management Policy
• Privacy Policy
• Health Information Privacy Code 2008 revised edition
• ACC Retention & Disposal Schedules
http://thesauce/resources-and-tools/policy-legislation/corporate-policies-a-z/email-and... 25/06/2020


5.0 Information we will accept via email
7.0 Providers using personal email addresses
• assessments and medical reports
If a provider chooses to use their personal email address 
to communicate with us, we consider that address as the 
• a client's change of address
official provider email address. This address must be 
verified before responding to any emails.
• a scanned PDF bank deposit slip, but only if the clients 
email address has been previously verified
Documents and reports that we send to providers are 
considered to be health information under the Health 
• ACC18 medical certificates from clients
Information Privacy Code 1994 (the Code). Providers 
must adhere to the Code and are therefore responsible 
• ACC18 medical certificates from accredited employers 
for the safe and secure storage of any health information 
or employers who hold an Employer Reimbursement 
we send them.
• ACC18 medical certificates from a provider using a 
secure network from their Practice Management System 
8.0 Internal emails relating to clients
(PMS) or an approved intermediary
Avoid sending internal emails about clients. If you need to 
• ACC3 earnings certificates from employers using a 
send any correspondence about a client and their claim 
secure network from ACC Online
to another internal staff member, use an Eos 'General 
• written confirmation of earnings where:
- we can clearly identify that the email has come from 
that business or verified source
- the signed, faxed or posted version of the ACC3 certif-
icate contains the email address
• we've called the employer, verified we are talking to the 
correct employer and documented this in Eos 'Contacts'
6.0 Receiving emails from clients, providers and 
While we can control the emails we send to people, we 
don't have the same control over the emails we receive. 
We trust most providers and employers to be careful 
about the information they send in their emails. They 
have duties to their patients or employees and can face 
disciplinary action from external bodies for breaches of 
• If you receive an attached document that is not a PDF, 
tell the sender we prefer to receive documents in PDF 
format, or any other uneditable format, if possible
• If you have any doubt regarding the authenticity of an 
email, do not open it.
Receiving emails from clients, providers and 
ACC > Claims Management > Manage Client Information > Operational Policies > Communication > Email > Communication using email Policy
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(NGCM) Handle Client Enquiry v11.0
NOTE What if the client or their representative is 
requesting the client's claim information?
Go to the Complete Client Information Requests 
The objective of this process is to direct client enquiries to the 
PROCESS (NGCM) Complete Client Infor-
necessary teams in order for the enquiry to be resolved.
mation Requests
NOTE What if the client or their representative 
Client enquiries are received through various channels - by 
wants to update the client's personal details?
phone, email, postal correspondence, in person at an ACC site 
Go to the Update Client Details on Party Record 
or customer feedback forms.
PROCESS (NGCM) Update Client Details 
Enquiries may be from the client themselves or another party 
on Party Record
such as the client representative or advocate, or insurer.
NOTE What if the Contact Centre is able to resolve 
This process covers enquiries that are not covered by other 
the query at the first point of contact?
processes. Enquiries received by the Client Contact Centre are 
Add a Contact to the relevant record.
out of scope because they will follow their own processes and 
knowledge base through the Vault.
This process ends.
Paul Harvie
NOTE What if the client or their representative has a 
business or levy enquiry?
Peter Bennett
Forward the enquiry to [email address] and 
inform the client or their representative that this 
has been done and that someone will be in con-
1.0 Assess client enquiry
Customer Experience Representative, Customer Host, 
Go to 2.0, Action client enquiry.
Recovery Administrator, Recovery Assistant, Recovery 
NOTE What if the client or their representative 
Coordinator, Recovery Partner
sends a written enquiry via postal services?
Confirm the type of client enquiry received.
Go to the Upload Physical Documents Received 
NOTE What if you receive the client enquiry from 
via Postal Services.
another staff member or team?
PROCESS (NGCM) Upload Physical Docu-
Go to 2.0, Action client enquiry.
ments Received via Postal Ser-
NOTE What if the client or their representative 
phones or emails a Recovery Team Member 
NOTE What if the client or their representative 
sends Heartbeat feedback?
Go to the Identity check Policy to confirm you are 
Follow the Heartbeat Listening to our customers 
dealing with the correct person by asking ACC's 
identity check questions.
PROCESS Acting on Heartbeat Feedback
NOTE What if the enquiry could relate to a review 
Complete the identity check and go to 2.0, Action 
client enquiry.
• if the enquiry is an email, forward it to 
PROCESS Identity Check Policy
[email address]
NOTE What if a client or their representative visits a 
Reply to the client advising them that the query 
site or hub to speak with someone directly?
has been forwarded to the appropriate team and 
Ask for details about their enquiry. If the enquiry 
they will be in contact
relates to a claim, ask for information such as the 
• if the enquiry is over the phone, advise the 
claim number or injury date.
client that a review application must be in writing. 
This can be an email asking for a review and 
Advise a Team Leader there is someone wanting 
should be sent to 
to discuss an issue. The Team Leader can ar-
[email address].
range for someone to speak with the client or 
Go to 2.0, Action client enquiry.
NOTE What if you need in-house legal advice to 
While the Team Leader is arranging this, advise 
help with a client enquiry?
the client someone will be with them shortly.
Email [email address] and provide as 
much background information as you can. For 
Go to 2.0, Action client enquiry.
NOTE What if the enquiry is from another party, 
• a description of the issue
such as the client's representative, advocate 
• a summary of the key facts
or insurer?
• attach any background information or key docu-
In Eos, look up the Recovery team member as-
signed to the client's claim and forward the en-
• your desired outcome and timeframes.
quiry to them.
Go to 2.0, Action client enquiry.
Go to 2.0, Action client enquiry.
ACC > Claims Management > Manage Client Information > NG - Manage Information Requests and Enquiries > (NGCM) Handle Client Enquiry
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NOTE What if you need privacy advice to help with 
In Eos, record a Contact in the client Party record or 
a client enquiry?
Claim record and, if applicable, file away the enquiry 
Email [email address] or call them on 
46464. You can contact them:
Save any email correspondence against the client's claim 
• when you identify, or are advised of, a privacy
record or Party record once it has been forwarded to the 
appropriate team.
• if you need advice about any privacy-related
NOTE What is the difference between these 
Go to 2.0, Action client enquiry.
• if the enquiry relates to a specific claim, add a
Contact to the client's claim record
NOTE What if you need assistance from a Clinical 
• if the enquiry does not relate to a specific claim,
Advisor or Technical Specialist to help with a 
or the claim hasn't been received yet, add a
client enquiry?
Contact to the client's Party claim record.
Go to the Seek Internal Guidance process.
PROCESS (NGCM) Seek Internal Guid-
Add details of the enquiry, the action taken and any rele-
vant notes.
NOTE What if you need assistance from another 
Delete any emails from the inbox.
ACC team to help with a client enquiry?
Contact the relevant team or speak with your 
Recovery Leader if you are not sure who to con-
Go to 2.0, Action client enquiry.
2.0 Action client enquiry
Recovery Administrator, Recovery Assistant, Recovery 
Coordinator, Recovery Partner
In Eos, open the client's Claim record.
Review the enquiry and the client's claim information.
Respond to the client or their representative with an 
answer to their enquiry.
NOTE What if you need to do identity checks?
Go to the Identity check Policy to confirm you are 
dealing with the correct person by asking ACC's 
identity check questions.
PROCESS Identity Check Policy
NOTE What checks are required before you dis-
close any information?
Go to the Privacy check before disclosing infor-
mation Policy.
PROCESS Privacy check before disclosing 
information Policy
NOTE What if you can't answer the enquiry?
• find out more information, or identify a relevant
role and escalate the enquiry, as applicable
• when you are able, respond to the client or their
representative with an answer to their enquiry,
using the appropriate channel
• if the enquiry may take some time to resolve,
let the client know, and keep them informed.
3.0 Close off client enquiry
Recovery Administrator, Recovery Assistant, Recovery 
Coordinator, Recovery Partner
Ensure the enquiry has been resolved to the client's 
NOTE What if you have been unable to resolve the 
Find out more information, or identify a relevant 
role and escalate the enquiry, as applicable.
Close any outstanding tasks or activities when you are 
satisfied that the enquiry has been resolved.
ACC > Claims Management > Manage Client Information > NG - Manage Information Requests and Enquiries > (NGCM) Handle Client Enquiry
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