File ref: IRO 10099
10 July 2020
N Mcdonald
[FYI request #13084 email]
Dear N McDonald
Decision on Information Request
Thank you for your request made under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings
Act 1987 (the Act), received on 13 June 2020. You requested the fol owing information:
• Internal and external correspondence (emails, letters, minutes, notes of discussion)
relating to:
o Kio Crescent Hataitai (private road) and any interactions with the Council relating to
right of way across Kio Crescent (or by other means) for 110 Te Anau Road.
o Any information regarding interactions with the Council relating to potential sub-
divisions of the 110 Te Anau Road Property.
o Any interactions with the Council regarding the encroachment for 110 Te Anau
Road after March 2019 up to the present.
Wellington City Council (the Council) has
granted your request for information at no cost at this
In 2015 the Council had some interaction with the homeowners regarding theasphalt repair of the
private road for Kio Crescent. The email comunication between the Council and homeowners are
attached this includes any attachments and qoutes.
Item Document name/description
Kio Crescent asphalt repair 29 April 2015
Released with redactions
The Council has not had any interaction with the homeowners for 110 Te Anau Road regarding
subdivision. The Council has only received interested neighbour requests for 110 Te Anau Road.
Below are the interactions between the encroachment team and homeowners of 110 Te Anau
Road after March 2019 to the present date.
Item Document name/description
Re_ Kio Crescent and 110 Te Anau Road 23 June 2020
Released with redactions
Reasons for redactions
The information you requested has been redacted under section 7(2)(a) of the Local Government
Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, as it contains personal information about private
Right of review
If you disagree with my decision you have the right, under section 27(3) of the Act, to ask the
Ombudsman to review and investigate my decision. Further information is available on the
Ombudsman website,
Thank you again for your request. I trust this information is of assistance to you.
Kind regards
Asha Harry
Assurance Advisor
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