This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Pullman Hotel and Stamford Plaza Hotel as Covid-19 Managed Isolation Facilities'.

133 Molesworth Street 
PO Box 5013 
Wellington 6140 
New Zealand 
T+64 4 496 2000 
15 July 2020
Kiat Bazin 
By email: 
[FYI request #13228 email] 
Dear Kiat Bazin  
Transfer of your request for official information 
Thank you for your request under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) on 3 July 2020 for: 
“Please provide the following information relating to the use of the Pullman Hotel and the 
Stamford Plaza Hotel as Covid-19 Managed Isolation Facilities: 
1. all internal rules, guidelines and processes followed for selecting the above-named
hotels as Managed Isolation Facilities.
2. all communications with the above-named hotels relating to their use as Managed
Isolation Facilities, including but not limited to their health and safety plans.
3. any enquires and complaints you received with regards to health and safety of using
the above-named hotels as Covid-19 Managed Isolation Facilities, and your responses to
these enquires and complaints.”
The Ministry of Health believes the information you have requested is better aligned with the 
functions of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC). For this reason, I have 
decided to transfer your request to DPMC under section 14 of the Act. You can expect a 
response from DPMC in due course.   
Under section 28(3) of the Act you have the right to ask the Ombudsman to review my decision 
to transfer your request. 
Yours sincerely 
Nick Allan  
Manager, OIA Services  
Office of the Director-General