Simon Heggarty
[FYI request #13321 email]
7 October 2020
Dear Simon Heggarty
RE: OIA 20-21-02 Funding provided to the Kiwi Expat Association (KEA) by NZTE Thank you for your email of 15 July 2020 requesting the following information:
The amount of sponsorship or funding paid to the Kiwi Expat Association (KEA) since its
The KPIs, goals, or targets that KEA is required to fulfil for this funding and reporting submitted by
the Association to show its delivery toward these.
Any correspondence between KEA and NZTE over the past 12 months in relation to funding of
the organisation.
In order to provide you with further context in terms of the information you have requested, please note
that NZTE began managing the relationship with KEA for Government Funders in 2014, and as such
our response to your request wil be from the inception of NZTE management of this relationship.
Government Funders include the following agencies:
New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT)
Education New Zealand (ENZ)
Ministry for Business, Innovation, and Employment (MBIE)
Tourism New Zealand (TNZ)
Please note that “Government Funders” is used to refer to a collective group of government agencies
who fund KEA. The grouping of these agencies has changed over this time, so does not necessarily
refer to all listed during each contractual period.
The amount of sponsorship or funding paid to the Kiwi Expat Association (KEA) since its
NZTE has been managing the relationship between Government Funders and KEA since 2014, and
our response to your question wil be since the inception of NZTE’s management of this contract. Prior
to this, MBIE managed this relationship and contract. Since July 2014 NZTE has funded KEA with
$3.72 million in contractual funding.
As MFAT and TNZ have transferred your request to NZTE for response, please see below for total
Government Funding by agency, since NZTE began this management on behalf of all involved
2012/13 2013/14 2014/15
$620,000 $620,000 $620,000 $620,000 $620,000 $620,000
$100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $200,000
$200,000 $200,000 $100,000 $100,000 $0
$300,000 $300,000 $0
Total Govt $950,000 $800,000 $1,220,000 $1,220,000 $820,000 $820,000 $770,000 $1,045,00
T: +64 4 816 8100
F: +64 4 816 8101
Level 15, The Majestic Centre, 100 Wil is Street, Wellington 6011, New Zealand, PO Box 2878, Wellington 6140, New Zealand
The KPIs, goals, or targets that KEA is required to fulfil for this funding and reporting submitted by
the Association to show its delivery toward these.
Outlined in the signed contracts between KEA and the Government Funders are the deliverables and
targets required of KEA for each contractual period. These are then reported upon every third (with the
exception of the 2014/2015 year which was quarterly reporting) with a document from KEA outlining
highlights and deliverables for that third.
To respond to your question, we have attached all contracts since the inception on NZTE’s
management of this contract in June 2014, until June 2020 as Appendix One. We have created one
document with al contracts, and contractual variations, chronologically ordered (listed below) for ease
of reading as Appendix One. This shows all KPIs, goals, or targets that KEA is required to fulfil as per
their contractual agreement with the Government Funders.
We have also attached al reports submit ed by KEA to Government Funders as outlined in their
contracts, showing delivery of their KPIs, goals, or targets. We have created one document of all
reports, chronologically ordered (listed below) for ease of reading as Appendix Two.
Appendix One:
2014/2015 Contract
2015/2016 Contract
2016/2020 Contract
2017/2018 Contract Variation
2018/2019 Contract Variation
2019-2023 Contract
2020/21 Contract Variation
Appendix Two
2014/2015 Quarter 1 Report
2014/2015 Quarter 2 Report
2014/2015 Quarter 2 Report
2014/2015 Quarter 4 Report
2015/2016 Third 1 Report
2015/2016 Third 2 Report
2015/2016 Third 3 Report
2016/2017 Third 1 Report
2016/2017 Third 2 Report
2016/2017 Third 3 Report
2017/2018 Third 1 Report
2017/2018 Third 2 Report
2017/2018 Third 3 Report
2018/2019 Third 1 Report
2018/2019 Third 2 Report
2018/2019 Third 3 Report
2019/2020 Third 1 Report
2019/2020 Third 2 Report
2019/2020 Third 3 Report
Any correspondence between KEA and NZTE over the past 12 months in relation to funding of
the organisation.
Please see Appendix 3 for all relevant correspondence between NZTE and KEA relating to the funding
of KEA from 15 July 2019 to 15 July 2020. We have compiled these into one document for ease of
reading and have organised chronologically from date of first email. We have also removed duplicates.
Some duplicates have been maintained in instances wherein their exclusion would have made an email
responding or forwarding unclear. Any at achments to emails are at ached at the end of each thread.
We have chosen to redact some information on the following grounds:
Section 9(2)(a): protect the privacy of natural persons.
Section 9(2)(b)(ii): unreasonably prejudice a commercial position
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision. Information
about how to make a complaint is available at or freephone 0800 802
Yours sincerely
Melissa Trochon
Director – Board and Ministerials
Encl List documents enclosed
Appendix One: Al signed contracts between KEA and Government Funders from 2014-2023
Appendix Two: Al KEA reporting to Government Funders on Key deliverables from 2014-2020
Appendix Three: Al correspondence between NZTE and KEA from July 15 2019-July 15 2020
regarding the funding of KEA.