13 August 2020
45 Pipitea Street, Thorndon, Wel ington 6011
Phone +64 4 495 7200
Fax +64 4 382 3589
John Luke
l [email address]
[FYI request #13338 email]
e www.dia.govt.nz
Tēnā koe John
Your Official Information Act request OIA 2021 - 0041
I write regarding your Official Information Act (the Act) request, which was received by the
Department of Internal Affairs (the Department) on 17 July 2020.
You have requested:
I am requesting under the official information act information about all the positions in
the Office of Ethnic Communities where the position holder is paid more than $150,000
per annum.
My request covers both permanent employees and any contractors or consultants.
Please provide a list of al the positions that meet the criteria ($150,000 or more), listed
by business group in the Office of Ethnic Communities, and for each please provide the
full position title, and the associated remuneration and an indication of whether the
position is fil ed by a permanent employee or a contractor/consultant or other. I am
comfortable if you wish to provide the remuneration information in salary bands or
ranges or similar, provided they are not too large. I note that SSC uses ranges of
$10,000 when identifying chief executive remuneration which would be an acceptable
range for my request.
For context can you please also provide me with the total number of staff in each
business group.
If it would make complying with this request easier, I am happy to accept slightly older
information, E.g it does not need to be accurate as at the date of this request, provided
it is dated within the last 12 months, and you identify the applicable date.
Response to your request
As at 1 July 2020 the Executive Director, Office of Ethnic Communities is the only position in
the Office of Ethnic Communities that has a salary range of $150,000 or more. The salary
range for this position is $172,082 - $232,817. There is one permanent employee employed
in this position.
The total number of full time equivalent employees in the Office of Ethnic communities as at
1 July 2020 was 30.
If you have any feedback or questions about the Department’s response, please let us know
[email address]. You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision.
Information about how to make a complaint is available at
or Freephone 0800 802 602.
Nāku noa
nā Lesa Kalapu
General Manager, Pūmanawa Tangata – Human Resources
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