6 August 2020
Private Bag 632
Wellington 6140, New Zealand
Level 10, Grant Thornton House
Mr Green
215 Lambton Quay
Wellington 6011, New Zealand
Via:[FYI request #13345 email]
+64 4 916 2426
Official Information Act Request
Dear Mr Green
I refer to your request received on 20 July 2020, for the fol owing information:
“I want to know the current salaries/pay of every staff member at the EPA, the job/role/position they
fil , and the area they work in. For example:
Jane Doe, a scientist in HSNO, 96,000/yr.
John Doe, a manager in communications, 85,000/yr.
Richard Roe, an advisor in policy, 62,000/yr.
Sophie Roe, an HR professional, 72,000/yr.
I would also like their gender and ethnicity to be listed alongside their salaries.
To avoid this request being rejected on privacy grounds, feel free too:
Redact some or all of the names for privacy. (BUT only do this if it is required to avoid the rejection of
this OIA).
Generalise the job position and area of work for each individual, from, for example: "Operations
manager in hazardous substances" to instead only "manager", to increase privacy. (BUT only do this
if it is required to avoid the rejection of this OIA).
Redact individuals' gender/ethnicity, alongside the salaries. (BUT only do this if it is required to avoid
the rejection of this OIA).
If you cannot provide the names, matching positions, area of work, gender, and/or ethnicity against
the individual salaries/pay due to privacy reasons (though I very much want you too), please instead
provide a simple number breakdown of the exact salaries.
44,000 (2 people)
55,000 (1 person)
80,000 (1 person)
Your request has been treated as a request for information under the Official Information Act 1982
The salary and demographic information you requested has been provided in a way that does not
identify individual staff members.
Document Outline