This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Listening and recording of air traffic control voice communications'.

F. Landis  
By email: [FYI request #13407 email]  
4 August 2020 
Dear F. Landis, 
Thank you for your request dated 28 July 2020 in regards to the legislation for listening to, 
recording and sharing of air traffic control radio voice communications. 
Section 133A of the Radiocommunications Act 1989 (the Act)1 prohibits people who receive a 
radiocommunication, knowing it was not intended for them, to use, reproduce or disclose its 
existence. In essence, the section protects the confidentiality of radiocommunications. This 
principle of confidentiality is mandated by the International Radio Regulations which are 
promulgated by the International Telecommunications Union, of which New Zealand is a 
There are several groups that have expressed the need for s 133A of the Act to remain in 
effect. For instance, Airways New Zealand has previously advised that they do not want staff to 
be distracted from work in core safety areas by concerns that their communications could be 
Yours Sincerely  
Len Starling, Manager Radio Spectrum Management Policy and Planning.  
1 Available online at 
Buildings Resources and Markets 
15 Stout Street, Wellington, 6011