DHB Board Office
15 Shea Terrace
Takapuna, Auckland 0622
Private Bag 93-503, Takapuna
North Shore City 0740
Telephone: 09 486 8900
Facsimile: 09 486 8924
21 August 2020
John Luke
[FYI request #13410 email]
Dear John
Re: OIA request – Consumer Council nominations and minutes
Thank you for your Official Information Act request received 29 July seeking information from
Waitematā District Health Board (DHB) about our recently established Consumer Council.
Before responding to your specific questions, it may be useful to provide some context about
our services.
Waitematā DHB serves a population of more than 630,000 across the North Shore, Waitakere
and Rodney areas, the largest and one of the most rapidly growing DHBs in the country. We are
the largest employer in the district, employing around 8,500 people across more than 80
In addition to providing services to our own population, we are also the metropolitan Auckland
provider of forensic psychiatry, child disability services, child community dental services and
community alcohol and drug services.
In response to your request, we are able to provide the following information:
1. How does Waitematā DHB call for nominations to ensure public participation in your
consumer council? What channels have you used during the process and how many
applications you have received and how many you have invited for interview?
Waitematā DHB received 69 applications for the Consumer Council after it was advertised in
late February to mid-March 2019. The opportunity to apply was advertised in local newspapers,
our local consumer networks, Waitematā DHB social media platforms and our careers website:
https://www.wdhbcareers.co.nz/. A selection of 13 applicants were invited to interview for the
eight vacancies that were available, representing a cross-section of the community.
2. The term of appointment for each member and attendance rate for each member so far.
We enclose in our response the attendance of our consumer members and ex-officio staff to
each meeting –
Attachment 1.
The term of appointment is generally two years. However, some of the inaugural members will
serve longer to ensure continuity and retention of knowledge. One third of inaugural members
will be replaced every two years via a selection/appointment process, with the potential to be
re-appointed. Council members may serve a shorter period if, for some reason, they resign or if
they are appointed mid-way through a two-year cycle to replace someone who has resigned.
3. To create greater openness and transparency about the plans, work and activities of the
Government, I would like to request the full minutes of these meetings up to now and I
would encourage you to publish these on your website as well.
This information is publicly ava
ilable at www.waitematadhb.govt.nz/about-us/consumer-
Please note that there are no agendas for October 2019 or May 2020, as meetings are
scheduled every six weeks. In addition, there was no April 2020 meeting due to the COVID-19
We anticipate an update to our website in the future which will enable the community to
interact with the council and raise specific issues that they would like the council to consider.
I trust that this information is helpful.
Waitematā DHB supports the open disclosure of information to assist community
understanding of how we are delivering publicly funded healthcare. This includes the proactive
publication of anonymised Official Information Act responses on our website from 10 working
days after they have been released.
If you consider there are good reasons why this response should not be made publicly
available, we will be happy to consider your views.
Yours sincerely
Andrew Brant
Acting Chief Executive Officer
Waitematā District Health Board