This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Actions taken to increase Māori enrolment'.
2017 Electorate Māori descent voting numbers by voting places 
Document withheld under S 18(d) 
Maori voting Korero Hui Framework 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
Memorandum – approval to use koha 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
Improving services for Maori 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
The recruitment presentations programme 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
Diversity planning for the deployment of voting places 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
Follow-up meeting agenda/ notes 29/3/19 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
Following meeting agenda/notes 3/4/19 
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Huntly Hui 5/4/19 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
Gisborne Hui 9/4/19 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
Hastings Hui 8/4/19 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
Whangarei Hui 3/4/19 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
Follow-up meeting agenda 3/4/19 
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Wairoa Hui 8/4/19 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
Follow-up meeting agenda/notes 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
Ngati Tuwharetoa Presentation 20/8/19 
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Te Wharekura Rakaumanga Meeting 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
Voting places identified and visited 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
Overview recruitment presentations in targeted communities 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 

20.    Korero Hui catch up lunch/dinner 13/3/19 
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21.    Meeting with community advocates- Kelston 
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22.    Meeting with community advocates- Gisborne- East Coast 
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23.    Meeting with community advocates- Dunedin 
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Meeting with community advocates- Christchurch 
25.    Meeting with community advocates- Porirua 
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26.    Meeting with community advocates- Otaki 
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27.    Meeting with community advocates- Taupo 
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28.    Meeting with community advocates- Tauranga 
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29.    Meeting with community advocates- Wairoa 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
30.    Meeting with community advocates- Whanganui 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
31.    Meeting with community advisors- Whangarei- Northland 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
32.    Voting services to Maori votes in Wairoa 23/7/19 
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33.    Community advocate meetings 23/7/19 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
34.    Korero Hui lunch/dinner update meeting 13/3/19 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
35.    Korero Hui follow up meetings 12/3/19 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
36.    RE: Ngaruawahia Korero Programme 21/8/19 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
37.    Korero Hui Outcomes Framework Feedback 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
38.    Improving services to Maori Deliverables Report  
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 

39.    Revised Korero Hui Programme Gisborne 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
40.    Manukau Hui 4/4/19 
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41.    Follow up meeting agenda/notes 8/4/19 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
42.    Significant spaces where Maori voters congregate 
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43.    Palmerston North- Highbury Hui 29/3/19 
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44.    Porirua Hui 1/4/19 
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45.    Statement of Partnership 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
46.    Te Awa Tupua O Whanganui Marae Voting Places 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
47.    GE 2020 Services to Maori voters 14/8/20 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
48.    Revised Wairoa Korero Hui Programme 6/11/18 
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49.    Rakaumanga 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
50.    Replaying voting services in places of significance 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
51.    Korero Hui programme community information 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
52.    Combined Korero Hui information and action plan 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
53.    Korero Hui project update 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
54.    Programme update 6t2020 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
55.    Revised Dunedin Korero Hui Programme 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
56.    Feedback: Christchurch Korero 8/10/18 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
57.    Feedback: Kaiti Korero Hui 10/9/18 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
Feedback: Hastings Korero Hui 5/11/18 

59.    Feedback: Highbury Korero Hui 27/9/20 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
60.    Feedback: West Auckland Korero Hui 18/9/20 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
61.    Feedback Whangarei Korero Hui 24/9/20 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
62.    Improving services for Maori presentation 17/3/20 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
63.    Korero Hui Outcomes 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
64.    Improving services to Maori workstream 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
65.    Revised Christchurch Korero Hui Programme 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
66.    Meeting with community advisors- Napier/ Hastings 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
67.    New full time, part time advanced voting places 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
68.    Revised recruitments presentation programme 
Parts withheld under S 9(2)(a) 
69.    Korero Hui Outcomes Framework for GE 2020 
Released in full 
70.    Korero Hui Project Work Plan 
Released in full 
71.    2020 Improving services for Maori Project Proposal 
Released in full 
72.    Korero Hui summary of discussion 
Released in full 
73.    Overview of Korero Hui outcomes 
Released in full 
74.    2019 Korero Hui summary of discussion 
Released in full 
75.    Improving services to Maori 
Released in full 
76.    Next steps 
Released in full 
77.    Recruitment presentation feedback 
Released in full 

78.    Te Wharekura O Rakaumanga 
Released in full 
79.    Presentation notes: Regional Managers and Regional Advisors 
Released in full 
80.    Deploying voting services 
Released in full 
81.    Broadening korero hui 
Released in full 
82.    Te Arawa Strategy 2020 
Released in full 
83.    Specialist community advocates 
Released in full 
84.    Recruitment presentations 
Released in full 
85.    Recruitment presentations in targeted communities 
Released in full 
86.    Specialist community advocates role 
Released in full 
87.    Feedback: Dunedin Korero Hui 
Released in full 
88.    Feedback: Huntly Korero Hui 
Released in full 
89.    Feedback: Manukau Korero Hui 
Released in full 
90.    Wairoa Korero Hui 
Released in full 
91.    Korero Hui Project 
Released in full 
92.    Deploying voting services 
Released in full 
93.    Presentation topics & discussing points 
Released in full 
94.    Korero Hui outcomes project 
Released in full 
95.    Recruitment presentations in targeted communities 
Released in full 
96.    Station 
Released in full 

97.    Workstreams: links to base narrative & outcomes 
Released in full 
98.    Korero Hui framework for GE 2020 
Released in full 
99.    Specialist community advocates 
Released in full 
100.   Improving voting services for Maori 
Released in full 
101.   Regional Korero Hui 
Released in full