File No. DOIA 2021-0542
John Luke
Dear John,
Thank you for your email of 7 September 2020 requesting the following under the Official Information Act
1982 (the Act):
1. May I ask your selection process of members of this IVL Advisory Group
how you call for public application
how many applications you have received
how many you have shortlisted and how many you have interviewed.
• The role of the Advisory Group is to advise MBIE and DOC in providing robust investment
recommendations to the Ministers of Tourism, Finance and Conservation.
• The selection of panellists and the Chair was managed by MBIE officials in conjunction with DoC
• Potential members were shortlisted and chosen based on their skills and capabilities in governance,
commercial, public policy, Conservation, Local government infrastructure, Maori tourism experience,
specific Tourism knowledge and expertise; and to ensure the mix of expertise on the Group.
• The makeup of the group consists of an independent chair, up to three industry representatives, 1-2
local government representative, along with representatives from DoC, NZTA and MBIE.
2. What is their term of appointment
• The Group consists of up to 9 members (including the Chair), appointed for a three year period (with
the right to review after three years).
3. How much are they being paid
• For non-Government members, a daily remuneration can be claimed in accordance with Cabinet
Office instructions and Government policies (set at a maximum of $518 for the panel and $818 for
the Chair). The representatives from DoC, NZTA and MBIE do not receive a payment for being on
the panel.
Labour, Science and Enterprise
15 Stout Street, PO Box 1473, Wellington 6140 New Zealand
E [email address]
T +64 4 472 0030
4. Also I would like to request all the meeting minutes since the establishment.
The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (the Ministry) has identified the documents as
detailed in the attached document schedule. An introductory meeting for appointed Advisory board
members was held 28 September 2019 for the group, this was not minuted. A meeting was held and
minuted 29 October 2019, and the planned 2020 meeting were suspended due to COVID-19 restrictions.
No subsequent meetings have been held.
Yours sincerely
Karl Woodhead
Director, Tourism Policy
Document schedule
Part of the request
Document description
Meeting schedules and minutes
IVL IAG schedule meeting 26 September 2019
IVL IAG schedule meeting 29 October 2019
IVL IAG minutes meeting 29 October 2019
Terms of Reference for Advisory
Drafted Terms of Reference (which was due for sign off at March
2020 meeting
Briefing: Invitation Letters to IVL
Recommendations and background on the Advisory Group
Advisory Group