Recognising Alternative duties
Recognising Alternative duties
If you accept a temporary offer of a different position or take on some of the duties of a more senior
position, we’ll make sure you’re paid fairly for it.
HR Help
Last review 29 May 2020
Next review 29 May 2021
An allowance may be considered when an employee is completing duties of a more senior position.
These arrangements may be:
1. the person is taking up the more senior position full-time, this may be recognised as a
Secondment into the position, or
2. the person is just taking on aspects of the more senior position while still performing aspects of
their own role, this may be recognised as
alternative duties. This may also be applied when
the more senior responsibilities are split equally across two or three people.
Eligibility for an Allowance
An employee may be eligible for a temporary allowance on top of their fixed remuneration when all
the following criteria are met:
The employee is a
permanent employee of ACC; and
The employee is seconded or performing alternative duties for a continuous period of
than two weeks; and
The secondment or alternative duties are significantly different to their permanent position and
relate to a
more senior position within a higher
pay band, (if the secondment or alternative
duties do not form part of a sized position (eg SME), it will not be considered a more senior
role); and
The employee’s substantive
fixed remuneration is below 100% position in range (PIR) of the
more senior position.
Other Circumstances
Any allowances to be paid to an employee who doesn’t meet the above eligibility criteria must be
approved by an Enterprise Leader (or their one up manager, if the hiring manager is an Enterprise
Calculating an Allowance
The allowances for
Secondments are calculated in two ways:
If the individual's substantive fixed
They will receive the difference between the employee’s
remuneration is
below 85% of the
substantive fixed remuneration and the 85% PIR of the
PIR for the more senior position
R3 or non-R3 pay range of the more senior position.
Note: If the individuals fixed remuneration is only just
below the 85% PIR, the hiring manager may consider
an allowance of up to 5% fixed remuneration if it will be
If the individual's substantive fixed
Up to 5% of the employee’s substantive fixed
remuneration is
within the range of
the more senior position, but below
100% PIR
The allowances for
Alternative Duties are calculated as above, but proportionate to the percentage
of the alternative duties undertaken. (e.g. 30% of the difference between substantive fixed
remuneration and 85% of the more senior position range).
The allowance will be prorated to the period of secondment or alternative duties and hours worked,
and paid for the duration of the secondment or alternative duties. The allowance amount will remain
fixed (including any period for which the arrangement is extended) with the exception of adjustments
required to uplift to the minimum payable at the time of the performance review where applicable.