27 October 2020
Kanu Ross
By email: K H Ro
ss [FYI request #13901 email]
Dear Kanu
OFFICIAL INFORMATION ACT REQUEST Chinese student numbers and funding
I refer to your Official Information Act (the Act) request dated 2 October 2020 for information relating to the
funding of Chinese students and funding from Chinese institutions at the University of Canterbury. You have
requested the fol owing:
1. The number of enrol ed undergraduate students (part- and full-time) from the Peoples Republic of China
from 2010-2020.
2. The total fees paid by undergraduate students from the Peoples Republic of China from 2010-2020.
3. The number of enrol ed postgraduate students (part- and ful -time) from the Peoples Republic of China
from 2010-2020.
4. The total fees paid by postgraduate students from the Peoples Republic of China from 2010-2020.
5. The total amount of research funding received from institutions/entities who are headquartered or
based in the Peoples Republic of China.
Please find a table attached which has the data for questions 1 – 4. The dollar amounts are in New Zealand
dollars. The amounts for 2020 are the most current figures available. The number of students is measured in
terms of Equivalent Full Time Student (EFTS) and the physical headcount of students attending the University.
Regarding question 5, the University has no way of establishing which organisations may or may not have
affiliations with the People’s Republic of China. The exception to this is the Confucius institute, which is funded
directly by the Chinese government and also receives funding from the University of Canterbury. However, the
Confucius Institute does not take part in any research activities at UC and therefore there is no research funding
received by the University from this Institute.
The University engages with a wide range of institutions, via its Research and Innovation business unit and via
individual academic Colleges, Schools and Departments. Determining what entities UC has relationships with,
which ones provide funding specifically for research, the total amount of funding that has been received and
which ones are (or are not) based in the Peoples Republic of China cannot be achieved without substantial
collation and research. Therefore, this aspect of your request is refused under section 18(f) of the Act.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision. Information regarding
how to make a complaint is available at www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or freephone 0800 802 602.
Yours sincerely
Claire O'Connel
Information Advisor
Attachments: Table for questions 1-4