File ref: IRO-10693
16 November 2020
Andrew Perry
[FYI request #13989 email]
Dear Mr Perry
Rental Warrant of Fitness
Thank you for your request made under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings
Act 1987 (the Act), received on 15 October 2020. You have requested the fol owing information:
• Is there any record of how many council owned residences have passed the Rental
Warrant of Fitness (RWOF)?
Wel ington City Council (the Council) has
refused your request.
The RWOF was developed in partnership by the Council and the University of Otago and was
launched in August 2017.The aim of the RWOF was to ensure that all rental homes were warm,
safe and dry. Ultimately, the Council hoped the RWOF scheme, or one similar, would be adopted
by the Government.
Shortly after the scheme was launched, the new Government made swift progress on the
Homes Guarantees Bil . These became the Healthy Homes Standards, which is compulsory and
enforceable nationwide. These standards closely met several standards contained in the RWOF.
These standards, along with the legal requirements for all homes, are to have insulation installed
(where possible) and smoke alarms installed. A decision was made to pause the promotion of the
RWOF as the Council did not want to duplicate what would ultimately become legal and statutory
As a result of the changes to the Government, and the introduction of the Healthy Homes
Standards described above, no Council owned properties were assessed against the RWOF. As
such the Council does not have any records. Under section 17(g) of the Act this part of your
request has been refused as the information is not held by the local authority.
The Council is currently working towards the 1 July 2021 deadline – the date from which al new
tenancies must comply with the Healthy Homes Standards. All Tenancy Agreements will provide
tenants with information on how the property meet these standards.
Right of review
If you are not satisfied with the Council’s response, you may choose to make a complaint with the
Office of the Ombudsman. Further information is available on the Ombudsman website,
Thank you again for your request. I trust this information is of assistance to you.
Kind regards
Asha Harry
Assurance Advisor
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