This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request
'Structure charts'.
�ffif /
® POLICE NgO Pirihimono o Aoteoroo
16 December 2020
Grant Carroll
Email: [FYI request #14016 email]
Dear Grant, RE: OIA RESPONSE IR-01-20-31841
Thank you for your email dated 22 October 2020 requesting information on the Organisational
Structures for the following Districts of New Zealand Police: Central, Tasman and Southern Districts.
You requested: Please provide me with copies of the Organisation Charts/Structure Charts for the Central, Tasman and Southern Police Districts.
We have considered your request under the Official Information Act 1982 and we have enclosed the
following information:
• A Powerpoint Organisational Chart which includes Central, Tasman and Southern Police
Districts Organisational Charts based on our structure according to our HRMIS, MyPolice.
• A table for each district which outlines the current number of employees within each
ranking including those who are not currently deployable and are on leave.
Please bear in mind this is a live depiction of our positions in the structures and not all positions may
be filled as it is constantly fluctuating, so this data is accurate as of 3 November 2020. The ranks are
reflected as an employees substantive (home) rank, it does not include any employee who may be
acting into a position higher than their existing.
Should you have any questions about Police's response to your request, please let me know. If you
do not agree with Police's response to your request, you have the right to complain to the
Ombudsman under section 28{3) of the Official Information Act 1982.
Thank you for your understanding of our delay in response on the phone.
Yours sincerely
Kylie Fayen Director Human Resources Operations People & Capability