This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Response to Suspicion of Methamphetamine Manufacture and or Inadvertent Exposure'.

                          NEW ZEALAND 
                          NATIONAL DRUG INTELLIGENCE BUREAU 
25 November 2020 
Subject:  OIA – Clandestine Laboratory Procedures 
          REF: IR-01-20-33758 
Attention:  Bryan Stralow  
Dear Bryan, 
Thank  you  for  your  Official  Information  Act  request transferred  to  the  National  Drug  Intelligence  Bureau 
(NDIB) on 9 November 2020.  
Specifically you requested the following: 
“1)  In  response  to  Police  being  informed  as  to  a  suspected  Methamphetamine  Clandestine 
Laboratory operating nearby, could you please provide your standard operational procedure when 
responding to being notified of this.  
2) In response to a public area being exposed to potentially harmful gases, could you please forward 
your  standard  operational  procedure  taken  to  protect  the  greater  public  from  such  a  potential 
health threat.  
3) In response to Police being notified of an incident surrounding inadvertent exposure of minors to 
the  by  products  from  the  manufacture  of  Methamphetamines,  could  you  please  provide  your 
standard operational procedure in order to protect and ensure the health of the minor affected.
Please find the response supplied by the National Clandestine Laboratory Response Team (NCLRT): 
1)  In response to Police being informed as to a suspected Methamphetamine Clandestine 
Laboratory operating nearby, could you please provide your standard operational procedure 
when responding to being notified of this.  

180 Molesworth Street, Wellington, New Zealand 
P.O. Box 3017, Phone: 64 4 4749499, Fax: 64 4 4987409 

                          NEW ZEALAND 
                          NATIONAL DRUG INTELLIGENCE BUREAU 
180 Molesworth Street, Wellington, New Zealand 
P.O. Box 3017, Phone: 64 4 4749499, Fax: 64 4 4987409 

                          NEW ZEALAND 
                          NATIONAL DRUG INTELLIGENCE BUREAU 
180 Molesworth Street, Wellington, New Zealand 
P.O. Box 3017, Phone: 64 4 4749499, Fax: 64 4 4987409 

                          NEW ZEALAND 
                          NATIONAL DRUG INTELLIGENCE BUREAU 
(2) In response to a public area being exposed to potentially harmful gases, could you please 
forward your standard operational procedure taken to protect the greater public from such a 
potential health threat.  
NZ Fire and Emergency would likely be the lead agency should this scenario be reported.  Any 
information relating to their standard operating procedures would need to be requested from 
(3) In response to Police being notified of an incident surrounding inadvertent exposure of minors to 
the by-products from the manufacture of Methamphetamines, could you please provide your 
standard operational procedure in order to protect and ensure the health of the minor affected.
There is no standard operational procedure for this scenario.  However, should this situation 
present, it is likely we would advise the guardian of the child to have the child medically checked by 
a doctor and engage the services of an independent drug testing agency for the purpose of 
ascertaining the extent of any potential contamination so the appropriate health treatment can be 
provided.  Police would also consider notifying other relevant government agencies to ensure the 
safety of the child.  
180 Molesworth Street, Wellington, New Zealand 
P.O. Box 3017, Phone: 64 4 4749499, Fax: 64 4 4987409 

                          NEW ZEALAND 
                          NATIONAL DRUG INTELLIGENCE BUREAU 
If  you  are  not  satisfied  with  my  response  to  your  request,  you  have  the  right  under  section  28(3)  of the 
Official Information Act 1982 to ask the Office of the Ombudsman to review my decision. 
Yours sincerely 
Detective Inspector Blair Macdonald  
Manager | National Drug Intelligence Bureau  
Police National Headquarters, 180 Molesworth Street, PO Box 3017, Wellington 6011 
Joint Operation of Customs, Health & Police 
180 Molesworth Street, Wellington, New Zealand 
P.O. Box 3017, Phone: 64 4 4749499, Fax: 64 4 4987409 

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