This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Fare revenue, cost and patronage for Otago PT Bus and Rail Services'.

Our Reference: A1421319
11 December 2020
Tony Randle
Email: [FYI request #14121 email]
Dear Mr Randle,
Request under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 

We refer to your information request received 12 November 2020.  A copy of your request 
is set out below:
1) Can I please have a copy of the monthly fare revenue for each bus route and for each bus 
PTOM unit for each month from July 2018?
2) Can I please have a copy of the bus ticket sales by ticket type and ticket type revenue for 
each bus route for each month from July 2018?
3) Can I please have a copy of the monthly bus PTOM contract operating cost paid to bus 
operators for each PTOM bus unit for each month from July 2018?
I am also interested in the resultant PT patronage for Otago’s public transport services and so 
also request the following monthly patronage information.
4) Can I please have a copy of the monthly the total number of passenger boardings by bus 
route from July 2018?
5) Can I please have a copy of the monthly the total number of bus passenger transfers from 
July 2018?
6) Can I please have a copy of the monthly the total number of bus passenger journeys 
(passenger boardings less transfers) from July 2018?
7) Can I please have a copy of the monthly the total number of passenger boardings which 
began during Peak Times by bus route from July 2018?
8) Can I please have a copy of the monthly the total number of passenger boardings which 
began during Off Peak Times by bus route from July 2018?

9) Can I please have a copy of the monthly the total passenger kilometres by bus route from 
July 2018?
10) Can I please have a copy of the monthly the total passenger kilometres in respect of Peak 
Times trips by bus route from July 2018?
11) Can I please have a copy of the monthly the total passenger kilometres in respect of Off 
Peak trips by bus route from July 2018?
The Otago Regional Council’s transport team have reviewed your request and advised 
as follows:
The ORC has now transitioned to a new ticketing system, the Bee Card, and are still 
developing  our  reporting  capability  (along  with  other  Regional  Councils  who  form  the 
wider ticketing consortium).  Our older ticketing system is now out of service, although 
we have maintained a data store of historic reporting.  Our response is limited as a result 
of this. In the future we will be able to deliver a greater level of detail through our new 
ticketing system.
For the period of your request we have the following data sets which should address the 
questions you have asked, albeit in slightly different search parameters:
1. Otago patronage and revenue by transport unit for July 2018 to August 2020
2. Base monthly contract payments per transport unit.
You  have  the  right  to  seek  an  investigation  and  review  by  the  Ombudsman  of  this 
decision.  Information  about  how  to  make  a  complaint  is  available  at or freephone 0800 802 602. 
If you have any queries concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely
James Gribble
Administration Officer-  Legal 

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